自攝影術發明,藝術的樣貌與思辯便產生了重大的轉折。而當攝影圖像可以被數位化的捕捉之後,人類的眼界也從此不同。現在的人們生活在一個100多年前所無法想像的複雜圖像世界裡,這不僅是攝影自身作為一個藝術表現媒材的問題,更是攝影如何塑造現代人的藝術與生活的問題。本課程以實作方式引導同學思考相關問題。Students who took 108-2 "Digital Life Photography" went to Shanghai, China for internship during the summer vacation. (On the premise that the epidemic situation is stable and isolation is not required)
Since the invention of photography, the appearance and thinking of art have undergone a major transformation. And when photographic images can be captured digitally, human vision will never be the same again. People today live in a complex image world that was unimaginable more than 100 years ago. This is not only a problem of photography itself as an artistic expression medium, but also a problem of how photography shapes the art and life of modern people. This course guides students to think about relevant issues in a practical way.
1.許綺玲譯,羅蘭‧巴特(Roland Barthes)著,《明室‧ 攝影札記》,台灣攝影,1997。
2.黃燦然譯,蘇珊‧宋妲(Susan Sontag)著,《論攝影》,麥田出版社,2010。
3.吳莉君譯,約翰‧柏格(John Berger)著,《觀看的方式》,麥田出版社,2010。
1. Translated by Hsu Chi-ling, written by Roland Barthes, "Camera Lucida: Photographic Notes", Taiwan Photography, 1997.
2. Translated by Huang Canran, written by Susan Sontag, "On Photography", Wheatfield Publishing House, 2010.
3. Translated by Wu Lijun, written by John Berger, "Ways of Seeing", Wheatfield Press, 2010.
4. Teachers compile it themselves.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
作業作業 Homework |
30 | |
作業2作業2 Assignment 2 |
35 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
35 |