course information of 109 - 1 | 6892 Innovative Technology and Arts(創新科技與藝術專題)

6892 - 創新科技與藝術專題 Innovative Technology and Arts

教育目標 Course Target

一、探討藝術的多元內容與表現方式,建立公共空間的美學觀,提高審美文化品質與生活。 二、培養藝術創作與研究人才,包括公共空間、實地考察評估、創意構思啟發和分析實踐等。 三、把科技、創新、景觀及現當代藝術統合成一課程,思考環境、藝術與人文三者間的關係,探討歷史人文對藝術影響力,擴及公共空間的城市景觀。 四、以國內外移地教學方式講解分析討論。1. Explore the diverse content and expression methods of art, establish the aesthetic concept of public space, and improve the quality of aesthetic culture and life. 2. Cultivate artistic creation and research talents, including public space, field investigation and evaluation, creative inspiration and analysis practice, etc. 3. Integrate technology, innovation, landscape and modern and contemporary art into one course, think about the relationship between the environment, art and humanities, explore the influence of history and humanities on art, and extend the urban landscape to public spaces. 4. Explain, analyze and discuss using ex-situ teaching methods at home and abroad.

課程概述 Course Description

This course is about thinking and exploring contemporary public art trends and phenomena, focusing on the relationship between the presentation of art forms and landscape in public spaces. Main contents: 1. Systematically introduce the development of public art, so as to understand the important achievements, concepts and connotations of public art. 2. Explore the reasons and process of the evolution of public art, as well as the various forms, contents and functions of contemporary public art. 3. Guide students to explore the direction of self-development and independent creative ability by exploring the characteristics of publicity and artistic aesthetics.

參考書目 Reference Books

二、Catherine Grout 姚孟吟譯,2002,藝術介入空間 遠流出版社。
五、Suzanne Lacy著 吳瑪俐譯 量繪形貌 遠流2004

1. Key points for the implementation and review of the percentage public art demonstration (experiment) project (CCAC).
2. Catherine Grout, translated by Yao Mengyin, 2002, Art Intervention Space, Yuanliu Publishing House.
3. Public Art Design Practice, edited by Li Yongqing, Jiangsu Fine Arts Publishing House, 2004.
4. Compilation of outdoor art in Taiwan, (CCAC).
5. Written by Suzanne Lacy, translated by Wu Mali, measuring the appearance, Yuanliu 2004

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm assessment
30 報告內容的完整性,上台發表的簡報呈現與表達能力。
Final assessment
40 論述的完成度與表現力,課堂內容的融會運用。
Attend assessment regularly
30 出席率,課堂分享討論,作業繳交。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:林文海
修課班級 Class:共選2-4,碩 (創藝院開)
選課備註 Memo:「創新科技與藝術跨域學分學程」課程B類,需參加09/26-28台東藝術參訪,人工加選。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 26 人。

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