course information of 109 - 1 | 6650 Local Revitalization Principles and Practice(地方創生理論與實務)

6650 - 地方創生理論與實務 Local Revitalization Principles and Practice

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在讓學生了解地方創生相關概念,並能分析、應用。課程主要分為二部分,第一部分介紹相關概念,並簡要說明田野工作的基礎入門,讓學生擁有實地踏查、實作的概念能力。第二部份邀請實務界專家,分享其實作經歷與學生交流。 作業的部分,同學需依自己研究興趣找尋相關個案,期末提出個案分析(書面、口頭報告)並互相評論。 This course aims to enable students to understand concepts related to place creation and be able to analyze and apply them. The course is mainly divided into two parts. The first part introduces relevant concepts and briefly explains the basic introduction to field work, so that students can have the conceptual ability for fieldwork and implementation. The second part invites experts from the practical field to share their practical experience with students. As for the homework, students need to find relevant cases based on their own research interests, and at the end of the period, they will present case analysis (written and oral reports) and comment on each other.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程旨在讓學生了解地方創生相關概念,並能分析、應用。課程主要分為二部分,第一部分介紹相關概念,並簡要說明田野工作的基礎入門,讓學生擁有實地踏查、實作的概念能力。第二部份邀請實務界專家,分享其實作經歷與學生交流。 作業的部分,同學需依自己研究興趣找尋相關個案,期末提出個案分析(書面、口頭報告)並互相評論。
This course aims to enable students to understand concepts related to place creation and be able to analyze and apply them. The course is mainly divided into two parts. The first part introduces relevant concepts and briefly explains the basic introduction to field work, so that students can have the conceptual ability for fieldwork and implementation. The second part invites experts from the practical field to share their practical experience with students. As for the homework, students need to find relevant cases based on their own research interests, and at the end of the period, they will present case analysis (written and oral reports) and comment on each other.

參考書目 Reference Books

Mainly based on the handouts and teaching materials given in class

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class discussion and participation
Case analysis report
interim report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/7,8[M016]
授課教師 Teacher:許書銘
修課班級 Class:公共專班1,2
選課備註 Memo:地方創生組必修(隔周上課,每次上4節)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 20 人。

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