course information of 109 - 1 | 6460 Michel Foucault on Prison, Biopower(傅柯研究:監獄、生命權力與國家)

6460 - 傅柯研究:監獄、生命權力與國家 Michel Foucault on Prison, Biopower

教育目標 Course Target

儘管法國思想家傅柯(Michel Foucault)的著作繁多且龐雜,但《監視與懲罰》(surveiller et punir,舊譯《規訓與懲罰》)無疑是受到最多討論、相關後續研究最多、也最為歷久彌新一部著作。本課程將《監視與懲罰》一書作為理解傅柯的起點,探討以下幾個後續對傅柯的相關研究都會觸及的問題:一、《監視與懲罰》知識社會學的脈絡是什麼?二、《監視與懲罰》一書如何開啟了傅柯關於生命權力(Biopower)的研究?三、傅柯如何理解「國家」的問題。本課程將圍繞著上述三個主要的問題意識,探討傅柯思想與當代社會的連結。Although the works of French thinker Michel Foucault are numerous and complex, "Surveiller et Punir" (originally translated as "Discipline and Punishment") is undoubtedly the most discussed, has the most related follow-up research, and is also the most enduring. A new work. This course uses the book "Surveillance and Punishment" as the starting point for understanding Foucault, and explores the following issues that will be touched upon in subsequent research on Foucault: 1. What is the context of the sociology of knowledge in "Surveillance and Punishment"? 2. How did the book "Surveillance and Punishment" launch Foucault's research on biopower? 3. How does Foucault understand the issue of "state". This course will focus on the above three main issues and explore the connection between Foucault's thought and contemporary society.

參考書目 Reference Books

■ 相關參考書目 (Other Useful Readings) (限1200中文字)
《監視與懲罰:監獄的誕生》,Michel Foucault著,王紹中譯,2020,台北:時報出版。
Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison, 1975, Paris : Gallimard.
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, 1977, New York, Random House.

Dreyfus, Hubert L.,Paul Rabinow.,David Couzens Hoy. (Ed.)(1986).Foucault: A Critical Reader.Oxford:Basil Blackwell.
Eribon, Dider.,Betsy Wing. (Trans.)(1991).Michel Foucault.Cambridge Harvard UP.
Foucault, Michel..The Subject and Power.Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.
Foucault, Michel.,Gordon, Colin. (Ed.),Colin Gordon (Trans.)(1980).Power/knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77.New York:Harvester.
Foucault, Michel.,Hubert Dreyfus (Eds.),Paul Rabinow. (Eds.)(1983).Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Chicago:U of Chicago P.
Foucault, Michel.,Hubert L. Dreyfus (Eds.),Paul Rabinow. (Eds.)(1983).Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Chicago:U of Chicago P.
Foucault, Michel.,J. Bernauer (Eds.),D. Rasmussen. (Eds.)(1988).The Final Foucault.Cambridge, Mass:MITP.
Foucault, Michel.,Luther H. Martin (Eds.)(1988).Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault.Amherst, MA.:U of Massachusetts P.
Foucault, Michel.,Paul Rabinow. (Ed.)(1984).The Foucault Reader.New York:Pantheon.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Howard. (Trans.)(1965).Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.New York:Vintage.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Hurley. (Trans.)(1986).The Care of Self. Vol. III of The History of Sexuality.New York:Vintage.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Hurley. (Trans.)(1985).The Use of Pleasure. Vol. II of The History of Sexuality.New York:Vintage Books.
Foucault, Michel.,Robert Hurley. (Trans.)(1980).The History of Sexuality, Vlume I: An Introduction.New York:Vintage.
Frank, W. Arthur,Therese Jones.(2003).Biotechs and the Later Foucault.Journal of Medical Humanities,24(3-4),179-186.
Hacking, Ian.,David Couzens Hoy (Ed.)(1986).Fo
■ Other Useful Readings (limited to 1200 Chinese characters)
Basic bibliography:
"Surveillance and Punishment: The Birth of the Prison", written by Michel Foucault, translated by Wang Shaozhong, 2020, Taipei: Times Publishing.
Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison, 1975, Paris : Gallimard.
Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, 1977, New York, Random House.

Advanced Bibliography:
Dreyfus, Hubert L.,Paul Rabinow.,David Couzens Hoy. (Ed.)(1986).Foucault: A Critical Reader.Oxford:Basil Blackwell.
Eribon, Dider.,Betsy Wing. (Trans.)(1991).Michel Foucault.Cambridge Harvard UP.
Foucault, Michel..The Subject and Power.Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.
Foucault, Michel.,Gordon, Colin. (Ed.),Colin Gordon (Trans.)(1980).Power/knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972-77.New York: Harvester.
Foucault, Michel.,Hubert Dreyfus (Eds.),Paul Rabinow. (Eds.)(1983).Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Chicago:U of Chicago P.
Foucault, Michel.,Hubert L. Dreyfus (Eds.),Paul Rabinow. (Eds.)(1983).Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Chicago:U of Chicago P.
Foucault, Michel.,J. Bernauer (Eds.),D. Rasmussen. (Eds.)(1988).The Final Foucault.Cambridge, Mass:MITP.
Foucault, Michel.,Luther H. Martin (Eds.)(1988).Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault.Amherst, MA.:U of Massachusetts P.
Foucault, Michel.,Paul Rabinow. (Ed.)(1984).The Foucault Reader.New York:Pantheon.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Howard. (Trans.)(1965).Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason.New York:Vintage.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Hurley. (Trans.)(1986).The Care of Self. Vol. III of The History of Sexuality.New York:Vintage.
Foucault, Michel.,R. Hurley. (Trans.)(1985).The Use of Pleasure. Vol. II of The History of Sexuality.New York:Vintage Books.
Foucault, Michel.,Robert Hurley. (Trans.)(1980).The History of Sexuality, Vlume I: An Introduction.New York:Vintage.
Frank, W. Arthur,Therese Jones.(2003).Biotechs and the Later Foucault.Journal of Medical Humanities, 24(3-4),179-186.
Hacking, Ian.,David Couzens Hoy (Ed.)(1986).Fo

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
100 不計分。無故缺席三次期末成績不及格。
50 當週負責導讀的同學,基本要求為準備詳實的導讀內容
Weekly reading MEMO writing
50 當週非負責導讀者,亦須撰寫閱讀摘要,當週課後繳交給任課教師

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7,8[SS304]
授課教師 Teacher:陳逸淳
修課班級 Class:社會碩博1,2
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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