1 本課程的目的在於協助修課學生(1)建立有效的論文指導關係應有的基本概念;(2)撰寫有助於在合理期限內完成合格學位論文之計劃書(proposal);(3)推進論文計畫書實質進度;(4)學習符合最低限度合格的學位論文要求的學術格式;以及(5)於學期末撰寫出合格的論文計畫書初稿。
2 本課程採取「化整為零、循序漸進、零存整付」的設計,抽離研究計畫書的要素,再分別聚焦於這些元素進行實作,以求學習效益及論文計畫書實質進度的極大化。
1 修課資格要求:已確認論文指導老師之碩、博士生(該規定由系務會議決議通過,本課程根據「指導教授確認書」採人工加退選)
2 建議最適修課條件:
2.1 已修過「量性研究方法」或「質性研究方法」。
2.2 預定本學期提交論文計畫書者。
2.3 含本課程本學期修課不超過九學分。
3 視人數開放已修過該課程者旁聽。旁聽者須擔任課堂助理(助教負責計時及教學設備準備),報告權利及義務視修課人數決定。
Course objectives
1 The purpose of this course is to assist students in (1) establishing the basic concepts of an effective thesis supervision relationship; (2) writing a proposal that will help complete a qualified thesis within a reasonable period; (3) Make substantial progress on the thesis proposal; (4) learn academic formats that meet minimum qualifying dissertation requirements; and (5) write a passing first draft of the thesis proposal by the end of the semester.
2 This course adopts the design of "breaking it into parts, proceeding step by step, and saving everything in one piece" to extract the elements of the research proposal and then focus on these elements for implementation in order to achieve learning benefits and substantial progress in the thesis proposal. of maximization.
Course requirements
1 Course qualification requirements: Master's and doctoral students who have confirmed thesis advisor (this requirement is passed by the department meeting, this course adopts manual addition and withdrawal based on the "Confirmation Letter of Instructor")
2 Suggested optimal course conditions:
2.1 Have taken "Quantitative Research Methods" or "Qualitative Research Methods".
2.2 Those who plan to submit a thesis proposal this semester.
2.3 The number of courses taken this semester including this course shall not exceed nine credits.
3 Depending on the number of people, the course is open to those who have taken the course. Observers must serve as classroom assistants (teaching assistants are responsible for timing and preparation of teaching equipment). Reporting rights and obligations depend on the number of students taking the course.
1 指定閱讀:見每週說明
1.1 Wayne G. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb and Joseph M. Williams(2003)The Craft of Research, 2nd edition.(《研究的藝術》,陳美霞、徐畢卿、許甘霖譯。巨流,2009)
1.2 Robert K. Merton (1987) Three Fragments From a Sociologist's Notebooks: Establishing the Phenomenon, Specified Ignorance, and Strategic Research Materials. Annual Review of Sociology 13: 1-29.
1.3 Umberto Eco(2019/1977)《如何撰寫寫畢業論文:給人文學科研究生的建議》(Come si fa una tesi di Laurea)。台北:時報。
1.4 彭明輝(2017)《研究生完全求生手冊:方法、秘訣、潛規則》。台北:聯經。
1.5 吳珮瑛(2016)《老師在講你有在聽嗎?論文寫作之規範及格式》。台北:翰蘆。
2 推薦閱讀:
2.1 Diana Ridley (2009) The literature review: a step-by-step guide for students.(《一步步教您做文獻回顧》。韋伯,2010)
2.2 Lawrence F. Locke, Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, Stephen J. Silverman (2012) Proposals that work: a guide for planning dissertations and grant proposals, 4th edn.《論文計劃與研究方法》,項靖等譯。韋伯,2001)
2.3 畢恆達(2010)《教授為甚麼沒告訴我?(2010 全見版)》,小畢空間。
3 進階閱讀:
3.1 Andrew Sayer(2010)Method in Social Science: Revised 2nd Edition. Routledge.(《社會科學的研究方法:批判實在論取徑》,許甘霖、萬毓澤、楊友仁。巨流,2016)
3.2 Anthony Weston (2009) A Rulebook for Arguments.(《論證是一門學問》,新華出版社,2011)
3.3 Becker, Howard S.(1998)Tricks of the Trade : How to Think About Your Research While You're Doing it(《這才是做研究的王道》,郭姿吟、呂錦媛譯。群學,2009)
3.4 Becker, Howard S.(2011)Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article. Second Edition. Chicago University Press.
3.5 C. A. Missimer (1995) Good Arguments: An Introduction to Critical Thinking.(《批判思考導論:如何精進辯論》。學富,2002)
3.6 Castetter, William and Richard Heisler(1988)Developing and Defending A Dissertation Proposal. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.
3.7 David Evans, Paul Gruba and Justin Zobel(2014)How to Write a Better Thesis (3rd ed). Springer International Publishing AG.
3.8 Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, Sidney Verba (1994) Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research.(《好研究如何設計?:用量化邏輯做質化研究》,林宗弘/校訂,盛智明、韓佳譯。群學,2012)
3.9 Gordon Rugg and Marian Petre (2004) The Unwritten R
1 Assigned Reading: See Weekly Notes
1.1 Wayne G. Booth, Gregory G. Colomb and Joseph M. Williams (2003) The Craft of Research, 2nd edition. ("The Art of Research", translated by Chen Meixia, Xu Biqing, and Xu Ganlin. Juliu, 2009)
1.2 Robert K. Merton (1987) Three Fragments From a Sociologist's Notebooks: Establishing the Phenomenon, Specified Ignorance, and Strategic Research Materials. Annual Review of Sociology 13: 1-29.
1.3 Umberto Eco (2019/1977) "How to write a thesis: Advice for graduate students in humanities" (Come si fa una tesi di Laurea). Taipei: The Times.
1.4 Peng Minghui (2017) "Complete Survival Manual for Graduate Students: Methods, Secrets, and Hidden Rules". Taipei: Lianjing.
1.5 Wu Peiying (2016) "Are you listening to what the teacher is talking about?" Standards and Format for Paper Writing". Taipei: Hanlu.
2 Recommended reading:
2.1 Diana Ridley (2009) The literature review: a step-by-step guide for students. ("Teach you how to do a literature review step by step". Weber, 2010)
2.2 Lawrence F. Locke, Waneen Wyrick Spirduso, Stephen J. Silverman (2012) Proposals that work: a guide for planning dissertations and grant proposals, 4th edn. "Thesis Planning and Research Methods", translated by Xiang Jing et al. Weber, 2001)
2.3 Bi Hengda (2010) "Why didn't the professor tell me?" (2010 Quanjian Edition)", Xiaobi Space.
3 Further reading:
3.1 Andrew Sayer (2010) Method in Social Science: Revised 2nd Edition. Routledge. ("Research Methods in Social Science: A Critical Realism Approach", Xu Ganlin, Wan Yuze, Yang Youren. Juliu, 2016)
3.2 Anthony Weston (2009) A Rulebook for Arguments. ("Argument is a Science", Xinhua Publishing House, 2011)
3.3 Becker, Howard S. (1998) Tricks of the Trade: How to Think About Your Research While You're Doing it ("This is the King of Doing Research", translated by Guo Ziyin and Lu Jinyuan. Qunxue, 2009)
3.4 Becker, Howard S. (2011) Writing for Social Scientists: How to Start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article. Second Edition. Chicago University Press.
3.5 C. A. Missimer (1995) Good Arguments: An Introduction to Critical Thinking. ("Introduction to Critical Thinking: How to Improve Debate". Xuefu, 2002)
3.6 Castetter, William and Richard Heisler (1988) Developing and Defending A Dissertation Proposal. Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press.
3.7 David Evans, Paul Gruba and Justin Zobel (2014) How to Write a Better Thesis (3rd ed). Springer International Publishing AG.
3.8 Gary King, Robert O. Keohane, Sidney Verba (1994) Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research. ("How to design good research?: Using quantitative logic to do qualitative research", Lin Zonghong/edited, Sheng Zhiming, Han Good translation. Qunxue, 2012)
3.9 Gordon Rugg and Marian Petre (2004) The Unwritten R
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂報告課堂報告 class report |
25 | 每次5%,共5次(計畫構想2、課堂導讀1、賞析報告2)=25% |
作業作業 Homework |
42 | 每次3%,共14次=42%。 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
25 | (含論文計畫書工作坊發表文章+發表) |
課堂參與(含評論)課堂參與(含評論) Class participation (including comments) |
8 |