course information of 109 - 1 | 6336 National Competitiveness in the Age of Globalization:(全球化世紀的國家競爭力:組織變革、領導與決策)

6336 - 全球化世紀的國家競爭力:組織變革、領導與決策 National Competitiveness in the Age of Globalization:

教育目標 Course Target

全球化已經是每個人朗朗上口的顯詞,但是在台灣,並不是每個人都了解全球化的意涵和效應,以及知道如何因應。其中的問題包括:全球化到底要化甚麼 ? 如何化 ? 它顯然是ㄧ種演化的程序,完成了嗎? 其次,它用甚麼工具來 "化" ? 化出來的結果又是甚麼呢 ? 未來在一個全球化的體系內生存,如果不能在全球化體系中尋求定位、確立目標、定義問題、擬定生存與發展的策略,怎麼可能有競爭力? 其次,競爭力又是如何形成的呢 ? 它與全球化的關聯又是如何 ? 以醫療科技的水準來看,台灣已列入世界前3名之中,卻還要乞求別國支持我們加入WHA,顯然就是不知如何運作全球化的機能,本課程將教您如何運作。 另外,在全球化的衝擊下,國家新機能的重建當為首要之務,必須整建配合全球化發展特性的組織結構和運行機制,包括政府組織、社會組織和企業組織。過去傳統舊典範的科層式(hierarchy)或平面式(flat)的組織型態,都已無法迎合新世紀的需求,更無法跨越新世紀的挑戰。新世紀所追求的組織模式,將是一種立體式的資訊網狀結構,每一個組織單位,都必須是具有高效能、高效率、小而全的單位,可以對任何的環境需求,做出快速的反應,才能超越現況,開創新局。 隨著科技的高度發展以及自由民主的政治體制,傳統舊時代的那種大組織、單一領導的模式,將無法迎合新世紀的需求;領導功能也必然隨著組織分殊的型態而趨向分散。整個國家機能的生命力,必須透過領袖各層面及各層次領導(leading leaders at all levels)的組織運作而形成;領導功能的責任分攤及相應領導權的分享,也將是新世紀的必然趨勢。面對這種發展趨勢,多層面及多層次分殊領導﹙dispersed leadership﹚的組織型態將成為本世紀的時代需求。你準備好了嗎? 顯然,新世紀的現代公民,都必須具備領導知能。但是,由於傳統政治文化對領導意涵的誤解,認定領導權具有專屬性和集中性,應極化於高階領袖。事實上,在當今世上已沒有一個「超人」或「聖人」,能夠真正有效領導現代化的龐大組織。未來的政府改造,必須從組織的轉型及領導知能的充實做起,才能一方面克服財政赤字及不易加稅的壓力﹔另一方面還能積極滿足人民在新世紀的各種需求。總之,對組織而言,全球化的環境正重新塑造著組織的經營與管理,也挑戰著傳統的領導模式。 本課程將先探討全球化的現象,同時也研究如何因應這種環境變遷對傳統管理機制的衝擊——組織變革。第二部分將討論領導理論與決策。第三部分針對理論的運用,站在國家和企業組織的層次,尋求有效的全球治理。 本課程為研究所的 seminar 課程,研究生應於課前研讀指定教材,並於課堂上論述及討論;課堂的研讀、討論及參與,占學期成績60﹪。學期末,要求撰寫一篇研究心得報告,占40﹪。Globalization has become a catchy word on everyone's lips, but in Taiwan, not everyone understands the meaning and effects of globalization and how to respond. The questions include: What does globalization want to transform? How to transform it? It is obviously an evolutionary process, has it been completed? Secondly, what tools does it use to "transform"? What is the result of globalization? To survive in a globalized system in the future, if we cannot seek positioning, establish goals, define problems, and formulate strategies for survival and development in the globalized system, how can we be competitive? Secondly, how is competitiveness formed? How is it related to globalization? Judging from the level of medical technology, Taiwan is already among the top 3 in the world, but it still begs other countries to support us in joining the WHA. It is obvious that we do not know how to operate the function of globalization. This course will teach you how it works. In addition, under the impact of globalization, the reconstruction of new national functions should be the top priority. Organizational structures and operating mechanisms must be restructured to match the development characteristics of globalization, including government organizations, social organizations, and corporate organizations. The traditional hierarchical or flat organizational types of the past are no longer able to meet the needs of the new century, let alone overcome the challenges of the new century. The organizational model pursued in the new century will be a three-dimensional information network structure. Each organizational unit must be a high-performance, high-efficiency, small and comprehensive unit that can quickly respond to any environmental needs. Only by reacting can we transcend the current situation and create a new situation. With the rapid development of science and technology and the liberal democratic political system, the traditional model of large organizations and single leadership in the old era will no longer be able to meet the needs of the new century; leadership functions will inevitably become dispersed with the different types of organizations. . The vitality of the entire national function must be formed through the organizational operation of leading leaders at all levels; the sharing of responsibilities for leadership functions and the sharing of corresponding leadership rights will also be an inevitable trend in the new century. In the face of this development trend, multi-level and multi-level differentiated leadership (dispersed leadership) organizational types will become the needs of the times in this century. Are you ready? Obviously, modern citizens in the new century must possess leadership skills. However, due to the misunderstanding of the meaning of leadership in traditional political culture, leadership is believed to be exclusive and centralized, and should be concentrated on high-level leaders. In fact, there is no "superman" or "saint" in the world today who can truly and effectively lead a large modern organization. Future government reform must start with the transformation of the organization and the enrichment of leadership skills, so that on the one hand it can overcome the pressure of fiscal deficits and difficult tax increases, and on the other hand it can actively meet the various needs of the people in the new century. In short, for organizations, the global environment is reshaping their operations and management and challenging traditional leadership models. This course will first explore the phenomenon of globalization, and also study how to respond to the impact of this environmental change on traditional management mechanisms - organizational change. Part II will discuss leadership theory and decision-making. The third part focuses on the application of theory, seeking effective global governance at the level of countries and corporate organizations. This course is a seminar course of the institute. Graduate students should study the designated teaching materials before class, and discuss and discuss in class; class reading, discussion and participation will account for 60% of the semester grade. At the end of the semester, you are required to write a research report, accounting for 40%.

參考書目 Reference Books

* 郭進隆、齊若蘭 譯, Peter M. Senge 著,《第五項修練:學習型組織的藝術與實務》,天下文化出版社,2015。
* Donald L. Laurie, The Real Work of Leaders (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing, 2000).
* 孫治本 譯,Ulrich Beck著,《全球化危機》,台灣商務印書館,1999。
* 謝綺蓉譯,Danah Zohar 著,《第三智慧:運用量子思維建立組織創造性思考模式》(ReWiring the Corporate
* 楊志誠,〈全球化思維的領導與決策〉,《產業與管理論壇》,第十一卷第一期,工業技術研究院,March 2009.
* 梁永安 譯,Joseph Campbell 著,《英雄旅程》,立緒出版社,2001。
* 毛治國,《決策》,天下雜誌出版社,2013。
* 余莉 譯,Gerd Gigerenzer 著,《直覺思維: 你超越邏輯的快速決策天賦》,日出出版社,2019。
* 王志宏 譯,Penngy pierce 著,《直覺:開發你的內在智慧》,北京,華夏出版社,2009。
* Translated by Guo Jinlong and Qi Ruolan, written by Peter M. Senge, "The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of Learning Organizations", Tianxia Culture Publishing House, 2015.
* Donald L. Laurie, The Real Work of Leaders (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Perseus Publishing, 2000).
* Translated by Sun Zhiben, written by Ulrich Beck, "The Crisis of Globalization", Taiwan Commercial Press, 1999.
* Translated by Xie Qirong, written by Danah Zohar, "The Third Wisdom: Using Quantum Thinking to Establish an Organizational Creative Thinking Model" (ReWiring the Corporate
Brain), Block Culture Publishing House, 2001.
* Yang Zhicheng, "Leadership and Decision-making with Global Thinking", "Industry and Management Forum", Volume 11, Issue 1, Industrial Technology Research Institute, March 2009.
* Translated by Liang Yongan, written by Joseph Campbell, "The Hero's Journey", Lixu Publishing House, 2001.
* Mao Zhiguo, "Decision", Tianxia Magazine Publishing House, 2013.
* Translated by Yu Li, written by Gerd Gigerenzer, "Intuitive Thinking: Your Talent for Quick Decision-Making Beyond Logic", Sunrise Publishing House, 2019.
* Translated by Wang Zhihong, written by Penngy pierce, "Intuition: Developing Your Inner Wisdom", Beijing, Huaxia Publishing House, 2009.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
導讀並參與討論 導讀並參與討論
Read and participate in discussions
Final oral report and written report

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7[SS427]
授課教師 Teacher:楊志誠
修課班級 Class:政治碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:博士生請至系辦以人工加選方式辦理
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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