course information of 109 - 1 | 6091 Anatomy of Business Plan(營運企劃書之解析)

6091 - 營運企劃書之解析 Anatomy of Business Plan

教育目標 Course Target

營運企劃書是創業家建構事業的藍圖,也是經營者為企業中長期發展的布局(短期為營業預算書),在科技日新月異產業變化多端的環境下,營運企劃書是經營者與創業家用來檢視經營績效與擬定應變對策的依據。 本課程擬透過分析營運企劃書的架構,讓學員了解其內涵、原理原則,聯動關係與運用模式,強化其實作與應用能力,進一步能以機動性(dynamic)、整體性思考模式,在企業經營上能「見林見樹,見樹見林」,在以「變化為常態」的環境中,建立高效能企業。The operating plan is the blueprint for entrepreneurs to build their business, and it is also the operator's layout for the medium and long-term development of the enterprise (the short-term is the operating budget). In an environment where technology is changing rapidly and the industry is constantly changing, the operating plan is used by operators and entrepreneurs to review Business performance and basis for formulating contingency measures. This course intends to analyze the structure of the operation plan, allowing students to understand its connotation, principles, linkages and application models, strengthen its implementation and application capabilities, and further enable students to operate the enterprise with a dynamic and holistic thinking model. Shang Neng can "see the forest for the trees and the trees for the forest" and build a high-performance enterprise in an environment where "change is the norm".

課程概述 Course Description

營運企劃書是創業家建構事業的藍圖,也是經營者為企業中長期發展的布局(短期為營業預算書),在科技日新月異產業變化多端的環境下,營運企劃書是經營者與創業家用來檢視經營績效與擬定應變對策的依據。 本課程擬透過分析營運企劃書的架構,讓學員了解其內涵、原理原則,聯動關係與運用模式,強化其實作與應用能力,進一步能以機動性(dynamic)、整體性思考模式,在企業經營上能「見林見樹,見樹見林」,在以「變化為常態」的環境中,建立高效能企業。 本課程與學生核心能力/基本素養之對應 問題分析與解決、產業分析、策略管理、管理會計、資本預算、財務管理、組織管理、技術與產品開發、市場開發 1.營運企劃書架構說明 2.創業或企業經營的想法與願景 3.企業的產品/服務與價值主張(value proposition) 4.產業與競爭環境分析-1 5.產業與競爭環境分析-2 6.經營策略的擬定與規劃-1 7.經營策略的擬定與規劃-2 8.技術與產品規劃與管理-1 9.技術與產品規劃與管理-2 10.市場開發與產銷規劃-1 11.市場開發與產銷規劃-2 12.組織與人力規劃 13.營業預算與會計管理 14.激勵與積效管理 15.風險管理與變革管理 16.專題研討與報告
The operating plan is the blueprint for entrepreneurs to build their business, and it is also the operator's layout for the medium and long-term development of the enterprise (the short-term is the operating budget). In an environment where technology is changing rapidly and the industry is constantly changing, the operating plan is used by operators and entrepreneurs to review Business performance and basis for formulating contingency measures. This course intends to analyze the structure of the operation plan, allowing students to understand its connotation, principles, linkages and application models, strengthen its implementation and application capabilities, and further enable students to operate the enterprise with a dynamic and holistic thinking model. Shang Neng can "see the forest for the trees and the trees for the forest" and build a high-performance enterprise in an environment where "change is the norm". Correspondence between this course and students’ core abilities/basic literacy Problem analysis and solution, industry analysis, strategic management, management accounting, capital budgeting, financial management, organizational management, technology and product development, market development 1. Description of the structure of the operation plan 2. Ideas and vision for starting a business or business operation 3. Enterprise’s products/services and value proposition (value proposition) 4. Industry and competitive environment analysis-1 5. Industry and competitive environment analysis-2 6. Formulation and planning of business strategies-1 7. Business strategy formulation and planning-2 8. Technology and product planning and management-1 9. Technology and product planning and management-2 10.Market development and production and marketing planning-1 11.Market development and production and marketing planning-2 12. Organization and manpower planning 13.Business budget and accounting management 14. Incentive and positive management 15. Risk management and change management 16. Special seminars and reports

參考書目 Reference Books

Prepare your own teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance ratio
interim report
Final report
Group topic

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Saturday/5,6,7[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:蔡坤明
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1,2
選課備註 Memo:週末組、智慧科技管理組優先選課。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 32 人。

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