人際技能是有效管理的必要而非充分條件,在競爭如此激烈的職場環境裡,經理人單靠技術能力是無法成功的,他們仍需要良好的人際互動技能。本課程旨在幫助現職及未來的經理人,發展與人有關的技能(people skills)。主管或經理人最常遭遇或最感困擾的問題是什麼?所聽到的幾乎都是人的問題(people problems),這些問題不外乎上司溝通技巧不良、屬下缺乏工作動機、員工之間有衝突、員工對部門重組的抗拒等。令人感到訝異的是,與人有關的技能之課程,直到最近才開始在商管學院受到重視。
組織行為是一門很有趣的學問,其「母學」為心理學、社會學、政治學。保證終身受用無窮!Interpersonal skills are a necessary but not sufficient condition for effective management. In such a competitive workplace environment, managers cannot succeed by relying solely on technical skills. They still need good interpersonal skills. This course is designed to help current and future managers develop people skills. What is the most common problem that supervisors or managers face or struggle with? What we hear are almost all people problems. These problems are nothing more than poor communication skills of bosses, lack of work motivation among subordinates, conflicts among employees, and employees’ resistance to departmental reorganization. Surprisingly, courses in people-related skills have only recently begun to gain prominence in business schools.
If managers want to be effective, they must develop interpersonal or people-related skills. Organizational behavior studies the impact of individuals, groups and structures on behavior in organizations, with the aim of applying the knowledge gained from research to improve organizational effectiveness.
Organizational behavior is a very interesting subject, and its "parent subjects" are psychology, sociology, and political science. Guaranteed to last a lifetime!
Help learners understand and master the basic concepts, theories and application techniques of human resource management, in order to achieve the goal of combining theory and practice, and arouse learners' interest in human resource management and development.
本課程將設社團,不定期 PO 出相關資料,並邀請同學留言討論。
There is no designated textbook for this course. Students can refer to books or online materials related to the course progress.
This course will have a club that will post relevant information from time to time and invite students to leave messages for discussion.
If necessary, students can read "A Date with Success: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" first.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
學習態度(課堂參與及互動)學習態度(課堂參與及互動) Learning attitude (class participation and interaction) |
50 | |
報告報告 report |
50 | 請撰寫一篇與本課程內容相關的文章,至少三頁(注意:去識別化),上傳至「數位教學平台」。文章與課程主題相關性,佔考評分數的一半。 |