course information of 109 - 1 | 6063 Seminar on Competitive Strategy in Global Industries(全球產業競爭策略專題)

6063 - 全球產業競爭策略專題 Seminar on Competitive Strategy in Global Industries

教育目標 Course Target

■ 課程目標 (Course Objectives) 1. 本課程核心價值為培養三大能力 A. 了解國際經貿情勢與趨勢 B. 了解各種產業 C. 培養動態思維 2. 2008年是企業CEO最艱困的一年,也是最難忘的一年,因為它發生了百年難得一見的全球金融海嘯。近年來,中國經濟崛起,兩岸簽訂ECFA,區域經濟的整合,中國工資大幅上漲,台灣將面臨前所未有的大環境轉變,台灣企業將何去何從,值得探討。 3. 瞭解產業特性,找出最佳策略:世界經濟環境變動快速,廠商必須採取適當的策略來因應,才能在激烈競爭中勝出。根據業界表示,企業的策略與方向佔企業成功因素的70%;然而,每個產業的特性不同策略也不盡相同。換言之,企業採取某項策略,必須在某些產業特性下才會成功,如果企業不符合這些條件必會失敗,企業應避免,雖然滿足這些特性或條件不一定會成功(還需考慮管理能力以及執行力),但成功機會大增。 4. 瞭解創新的時點及內容:台灣企業未來的競爭力有二:A. 引起外商提升本國技術B. 企業從事創新,尤其是商業模式( Business model)的創新,本課程在各單元裡會穿插各種創新的觀念。 5. 理論與實務配合:本課程會以淺顯易懂的自編講義為主,每個理論討論後會配合個案討論;以達到理論與實務的配合。 6. 本課程以演繹法替代歸納法:演繹法是將某產業所具備的特性加以推演,在未來全球環境的變動下,應採取適當的策略以達勝出;強調的是未來的觀點。而一般管理論點,常使用歸納法,即過去的資料作統計,對未來不見得有實質助益。 7. 例如:2000年時,經濟學人雜誌曾經統計,購併的企業失敗率高達70%;然而,在2005∼2006年全球購併仍創新高,顯示歸納法不一定適用未來;而本課程會討論在什麼條件或特性下較適合採取購併。 8. 好的策略不但可以降低風險,還可以提高企業利潤。 9. 想在M型社會中勝出,創業或理財是最佳方法,本課程可以提高理財能力。 10.2015年中國對能源及進口值最大的半導體採取生產津貼,企業有了資金以後,就可以挖腳方式或透過併購的方式取得技術,過去台灣所享有技術人才的優勢漸消失中,創新是企業不得不走的路,產品生命愈來愈短,企業壽命也愈來愈短。然而;創新充滿了風險,如何降低風險,是值得我們探討的。■Course Objectives 1. The core value of this course is to cultivate three major abilities A. Understand the international economic and trade situation and trends B. Understand various industries C. Cultivate dynamic thinking 2. 2008 was the most difficult year for corporate CEOs, and also the most unforgettable year, because it witnessed a global financial tsunami that was rare in a century. In recent years, with the rise of China's economy, the signing of ECFA between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the integration of regional economies, and the sharp rise in wages in China, Taiwan will face unprecedented changes in the environment. Where Taiwanese companies will go is worth discussing. 3. Understand the characteristics of the industry and find the best strategy: The world economic environment changes rapidly, and manufacturers must adopt appropriate strategies to respond in order to win in the fierce competition. According to the industry, a company's strategy and direction account for 70% of its success factors; however, strategies vary depending on the characteristics of each industry. In other words, a certain strategy adopted by a company must be successful under certain industry characteristics. If the company does not meet these conditions, it will fail and companies should avoid it. Although meeting these characteristics or conditions may not necessarily lead to success (management capabilities and execution), but the chance of success is greatly increased. 4. Understand the timing and content of innovation: There are two ways in which Taiwanese companies will be competitive in the future: A. Encourage foreign businessmen to improve their domestic technology B. Enterprises engage in innovation, especially the innovation of business models. This course will be interspersed in each unit. Various innovative ideas. 5. Coordination of theory and practice: This course will be based on easy-to-understand self-compiled lecture notes, and each theoretical discussion will be followed by case discussion to achieve the co-ordination of theory and practice. 6. This course uses the deductive method instead of the inductive method: The deductive method is to deduce the characteristics of an industry. Under the changes in the global environment in the future, appropriate strategies should be adopted to win; the emphasis is on the future perspective. General management arguments often use the inductive method, that is, statistics of past data may not be of substantial help to the future. 7. For example: In 2000, The Economist magazine once calculated that the failure rate of mergers and acquisitions was as high as 70%; however, global mergers and acquisitions still hit a new high in 2005~2006, showing that the induction method may not be applicable to the future; and this course will discuss Under what conditions or characteristics are mergers and acquisitions more suitable? 8. A good strategy can not only reduce risks, but also increase corporate profits. 9. If you want to win in the M-shaped society, starting a business or managing money is the best way. This course can improve your financial management skills. 10. In 2015, China introduced production subsidies for energy and semiconductors, which have the largest import value. Once companies have funds, they can poach people or acquire technology through mergers and acquisitions. In the past, the advantage of technical talents enjoyed by Taiwan is gradually disappearing, and innovation is a must for companies. If we do not follow this path, the product life will become shorter and shorter, and the enterprise life will also become shorter and shorter. However, innovation is full of risks, and how to reduce risks is worth exploring.

課程概述 Course Description

第一單元 企業如何維持獲利成長 第二單元 顧客價值主張 第三單元 創新思維與策略 第四單元 創新構想模式與組織 第五單元 創新的執行與現金流量 第六單元 全球經貿趨勢與政府政策 第七單元 產業特性與策略探討
Unit 1: How businesses maintain profitable growth Unit 2 Customer Value Proposition Unit 3 Innovative Thinking and Strategies Unit 4 Innovation Concept Model and Organization Unit 5 Innovation Execution and Cash Flow Unit Six Global Economic and Trade Trends and Government Policies Unit 7 Discussion on Industry Characteristics and Strategies

參考書目 Reference Books

1.Waldman & Jensen (2007),雙葉,Industry Organization (理論基礎及國際個案)
2.Foster & Kaplan (2003),遠流,破壞性創新 (從心理角度談創新)
8.Hamel & Breen 管理大未來(2007),天下

1.Waldman & Jensen (2007), Futaba, Industry Organization (theoretical basis and international cases)
2.Foster & Kaplan (2003), Yuanliu, disruptive innovation (talking about innovation from a psychological perspective)
3.Christensen (2004) Innovator’s Answer
(The work of Harvard University professor Christianson, talking about the types of innovation and its connotation)
4. Peter Drucker: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Talk about Opportunities for Innovation)
5. Harvard Business Magazine
6.EMBA Magazine
7. Corbett, Foreign Revolution (2006) Economic New Wave Society
8.Hamel & Breen Managing the Big Future (2007), Tianxia

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Written test
50 筆試一次
Assignments and reports
50 另有上課表現,為額外加分

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/10,11,12[M242]
授課教師 Teacher:謝登隆/唐運佳
修課班級 Class:高階經管班1
選課備註 Memo:CEO組一年級必修課程
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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