course information of 109 - 1 | 5921 Seminar on International Business (I)(國際經貿專題(一))

5921 - 國際經貿專題(一) Seminar on International Business (I)

教育目標 Course Target

本課程係以邀請業界及學界先進至本系演講為主,期藉由來賓的分析、提點與經驗分享,得以快速引領學生提升視野、追求自我定位,以利職場競爭力。本課程係以邀請業界及學界先進至本系演講為主,期藉由來賓的分析、提點與經驗分享,得以快速引領學生提升視野、追求自我定位,以利職場競爭力。This course mainly invites advanced people from the industry and academia to give lectures in the department. Through the analysis, point-taking and experience sharing of the guests, it can quickly lead students to enhance their horizons, pursue self-positioning, and benefit their competitiveness in the workplace. This course mainly invites advanced people from the industry and academia to give lectures in the department. Through the analysis, point-taking and experience sharing of the guests, it can quickly lead students to enhance their horizons, pursue self-positioning, and benefit their competitiveness in the workplace.

課程概述 Course Description

為協助同學們對國際貿易、國際金融、創業創新、及全球趨勢變化等議題有更深入之瞭解,掌握最新的時事趨勢,本課程係以邀請業界專家學者或本系畢業傑出校友回校進行專題演講,期藉由來賓的分析、提點與經驗分享,得以快速引領學生,開拓國際視野、瞭解自我定位,並讓同學們培養將理論所學與實務現況相互結合之能力,進而提升職場競爭力。 本專題演講的主題,涵蓋有「國際貿易理論與政策」、「國際金融」、「國際企業管理」、「國際行銷管理」、「電子商務與全球運籌管理」、「金融科技管理與策略管理」、「兩岸經貿深化」等。
In order to help students gain a deeper understanding of issues such as international trade, international finance, entrepreneurship and innovation, and global trends and changes, and grasp the latest current trends, this course invites industry experts and scholars or outstanding alumni of the department to return to school to conduct special topics Through the guests' analysis, suggestions and experience sharing, the speech can quickly lead students to broaden their international horizons, understand their own positioning, and allow students to develop the ability to combine theoretical learning with practical realities, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in the workplace. . The topics of this special speech include "International Trade Theory and Policy", "International Finance", "International Business Management", "International Marketing Management", "E-Commerce and Global Operations Management", "Financial Technology Management and Strategic Management" , "Deepening Cross-Strait Economic and Trade", etc.

參考書目 Reference Books


This course mainly invites advanced people from industry and academia to give lectures in the department, so there is no textbook.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Reflection report after listening to the speech
60 缺席三次,得0%。
Attend interactions with career mentors
40 出席及參與度

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/6[M243]
授課教師 Teacher:唐運佳
修課班級 Class:國貿碩1
選課備註 Memo:演講時間14:10-16:10,日期另行安排公告。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 14 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 14 人。

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