The volatility of the capital market has become the norm in this era. Investment is an important issue that companies and individuals must face in pursuit of value and wealth growth. Therefore, this course will combine theory and practice to understand the properties and rewards of various investment tools in the financial market (stocks, ETFs, mutual funds, bonds, forward contracts, futures, options, exchange contracts and other derivative financial products). and risk measurement methods, and explore different investment strategies and applications. In addition, it combines the introduction and discussion of classic financial cases and current affairs, hoping to enable course participants to develop a complete and correct concept of investment activities. This will further enhance investment and risk planning capabilities.
1. Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, Essentials of Investments, 11 ed. McGraw-Hill, 2018.
2. 謝劍平,現代投資學—分析與管理,8版, 智勝文化, 2018.
3. 徐俊明,投資學-基礎與應用,3版, 新陸書局, 2015.
4. William Bernstein,投資金律:建立獲利投資組合的四大關鍵和十四個關卡,全新增訂版,臉譜出版,2016.
5. 中澤知寬,哈佛商學院最熱門的投資課,今周刊,2017.
6. 杜金龍,杜金龍教室20堂投資必修課,Smart智富文化,2012.
7. John R. Nofsinger(郭敏華譯),投資心理學,台灣培生教育,2000.
1. Bodie, Kane, and Marcus, Essentials of Investments, 11 ed. McGraw-Hill, 2018.
2. Xie Jianping, Modern Investment Science-Analysis and Management, 8th Edition, Zhisheng Culture, 2018.
3. Xu Junming, Investment Science - Fundamentals and Applications, 3rd edition, Xinlu Book Company, 2015.
4. William Bernstein, The Golden Rules of Investing: Four Keys and Fourteen Levels of Building a Profitable Portfolio, new and expanded edition, Facebook Publishing, 2016.
5. Tomohiro Nakazawa, Harvard Business School’s most popular investment course, Today Weekly, 2017.
6. Du Jinlong, 20 required investment courses in Du Jinlong’s classroom, Smart Zhifu Culture, 2012.
7. John R. Nofsinger (translated by Guo Minhua), Investment Psychology, Pearson Education Taiwan, 2000.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績與報告平時成績與報告 Daily results and reports |
50 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
50 | |
Extra bounsExtra bouns extra nordic goddess |
5 |