本課程採用互動方式進行,課程前同學應將要讀之參考資料先行研讀,課堂上由同學針對本次授課相關文獻進行報告,老師再上課,使同學不但對授課內容充分了解,並可藉研讀文獻擴大視野,文獻報告後並應繳交一份書面專題報告,以做為本課程專題報告成績評量之依據。課程中有期中考與期末考,均以筆試進行。 本課程希望帶給同學在基本大學基礎教育與在職工作後,以較寬廣之視野與國際化之角度來檢視台灣之現行醫療制度與健康保險制度,並藉由制度經濟學與醫療經濟學之分析架構,協助同學學習如何分析與評論先進國家與台灣現行制度之優劣,並進而能提出自我獨到之見解,以協助台灣醫療制度與健保制度之未來發展。This course is conducted in an interactive way. Before the course, students should study the reference materials they are going to read. In class, students will report on the relevant literature for this lecture. The teacher will then teach the class, so that students not only fully understand the lecture content, but also can use the literature to study After broadening the horizons, a written special report should be submitted after the literature report, which will be used as the basis for the evaluation of the special report of this course. There are midterm exams and final exams in the course, both of which are written exams. This course hopes to enable students to examine Taiwan's current medical system and health insurance system from a broader perspective and an international perspective after receiving basic university education and on-the-job employment, and through the analysis of institutional economics and medical economics. The framework helps students learn how to analyze and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the current systems in advanced countries and Taiwan, and then provide their own unique insights to assist the future development of Taiwan's medical system and health insurance system.
本課程採用互動方式進行,課程前同學應將要讀之參考資料先行研讀,課堂上由老師先做lecture,課程後段由同學針對本次授課相關文獻進行報告,使同學不但對授課內容充分了解,並可藉研讀文獻擴大視野,文獻報告後並應繳交一份書面專題報告,以做為本課程專題報告成績評量之依據。課程中有期中考與期末考,均以筆試進行。 本課程希望帶給同學在基本大學基礎教育與在職工作後,以較寬廣之視野與國際化之角度來檢視台灣之現行醫療制度與健康保險制度,並借由制度經濟學與醫療經濟學之分析架構,協助同學學習如何分析與評論先進國家與台灣現行制度之優劣,並進而能提出自我獨到之見解,以協助台灣醫療制度與健保制度之未來發展。
This course is conducted in an interactive way. Before the course, students should study the reference materials they are going to read. The teacher will give a lecture first in class. Later in the course, students will report on the relevant literature for this lecture, so that students not only fully understand the lecture content, but also You can expand your horizons by studying the literature. After the literature report, you should submit a written special report as the basis for the evaluation of the special report of this course. There are midterm exams and final exams in the course, both of which are written exams. This course hopes to enable students to examine Taiwan's current medical system and health insurance system from a broader perspective and an international perspective after receiving basic university education and on-the-job employment, and through the analysis of institutional economics and medical economics. The framework helps students learn how to analyze and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of the current systems in advanced countries and Taiwan, and then provide their own unique insights to assist the future development of Taiwan's medical system and health insurance system.
Teachers compile handouts and read designated literature (please refer to the weekly teaching progress)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時表現平時表現 daily performance |
15 | |
文獻報告文獻報告 Literature report |
25 | |
期中與期末考期中與期末考 Midterm and final exams |
60 | 各占30%與30% |