介紹供應鏈管理在組織中的策略性與重要性.並詳將說明供應鏈中的個別元素,說明工業工程在供應鏈管理的運用, 提出一個全面性的管理觀點,了解供應鏈系統中的系統設備延伸到物流實體的輸配送活動. 學習供應鏈資訊系統與整體資訊網路架構, 最後以實際的供應鏈個案說明應用的結果.Introduce the strategic and importance of supply chain management in the organization. We will explain the individual elements in the supply chain, explain the use of industrial engineering in supply chain management, propose a comprehensive management point of view, and understand the systems in the supply chain system The equipment extends to the logistics entity's transfer activities. Learn the supply chain information system and the overall information network architecture, and finally explain the results of the application with an actual supply chain case.
運籌視野供應鏈管理 第十版– 袁正綱編譯 東華書局 2017
Sports Vision Supply Chain Management Tenth Edition – Edited by Yuan Zhengjun Donghua Book Bureau 2017
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