course information of 109 - 1 | 5252 Seminar: Early Madhyamika Philosophy(中國早期中觀哲學)

5252 - 中國早期中觀哲學 Seminar: Early Madhyamika Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

本課程之目的在於引導學生探究鳩摩羅什於西元401到409年間在中國所傳譯的中觀哲學,對中國佛學的發展奠定了哪些基礎以及產生了什麼樣的影響?透過鳩摩羅什的傳譯,中國的哲學家們首次看到大乘佛學的系統,而鳩摩羅什的學生與當時的知識份子們紛紛以註釋或論文等方式投入中觀哲學的研究行列,由此可見中觀哲學初傳中國時的發展。然而,當時的中國佛學家們是如何理解中觀哲學的?鳩摩羅什的學生們是以「中國的」、還是「印度的」視域來理解中觀哲學?在印度佛學的介入後,這些哲學家們又如何處於中國哲學的基礎下對印度佛學作出回應?這些思想家對中觀哲學是否有了不同於印度系統之創造的詮釋?針對這些課題,本課程將引導學生逐步探究。就具體目標而言,本課程將引導學生深入探究早期中國中觀哲學的相關典籍,其中將以鳩摩羅什、慧遠、僧叡與僧肇等哲學家的作品為主,討論文本中的哲學問題,藉此養成撰寫學術論文與教學的專業能力。The purpose of this course is to guide students to explore the Madhyamika philosophy that Kumarajiva translated in China from 401 to 409 AD. What foundations did it lay for the development of Chinese Buddhism and what impact did it have? Through Kumarajiva's translation, Chinese philosophers saw the system of Mahayana Buddhism for the first time. Kumarajiva's students and intellectuals at the time devoted themselves to the research of Madhyamaka philosophy in the form of commentaries or papers. This shows the development of Madhyamaka philosophy when it was first introduced to China. However, how did Chinese Buddhists at that time understand Madhyamaka philosophy? Do Kumarajiva's students understand Madhyamaka philosophy from a "Chinese" or "Indian" perspective? After the intervention of Indian Buddhism, how did these philosophers respond to Indian Buddhism based on Chinese philosophy? Did these thinkers interpret Madhyamaka philosophy differently from the creation of the Indian system? For these topics, this course will guide students to explore step by step. In terms of specific goals, this course will guide students to delve deeply into the relevant classics of early Chinese Madhyamaka philosophy, focusing on the works of philosophers such as Kumarajiva, Huiyuan, Sengrui and Sengzhao, and discuss the philosophical issues in the texts. This will help you develop professional skills in writing academic papers and teaching.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. Richard H. Robinson, Early Madhyamika in India and China, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1967.
2. Walter Liebenthal, Chao Lun: The Treatises of Seng-chao, Hong Kong University Press, 1968.
3. Paul Loren Swanson, "Early Madhyamika in China," in Foundations of Tʻien-Tʻai Philosophy: The Flowering of the Two Truths Theory in Chinese Buddhism, Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1989, pp.18-37.
4. 東晉慧遠問、鳩摩羅什答,《大乘大義章》;《大正藏》冊45。
5. 慧遠,《沙門不敬王者論》,收於《弘明集》卷5;《大正藏》冊52。
6. 慧遠,〈大智論抄序〉,收於《出三藏記集》卷10;《大正藏》冊55。
7. 僧叡,〈中論序〉、〈十二門論序〉,收於《出三藏記集》卷11;《大正藏》冊55。
8. 僧肇,《肇論》;《大正藏》冊45。
9. 僧肇,《注維摩詰經》;《大正藏》冊38。
1. Richard H. Robinson, Early Madhyamika in India and China, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1967.
2. Walter Liebenthal, Chao Lun: The Treatises of Seng-chao, Hong Kong University Press, 1968.
3. Paul Loren Swanson, "Early Madhyamika in China," in Foundations of Tʻien-Tʻai Philosophy: The Flowering of the Two Truths Theory in Chinese Buddhism, Berkeley: Asian Humanities Press, 1989, pp.18-37.
4. Huiyuan's question and Kumarajiva's answer in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, "Mahayana Dayi Chapter"; "Taisho Tibetan" volume 45.
5. Huiyuan, "On the Recluses Who Disrespect the King", collected in Volume 5 of "Hongming Collection"; Volume 52 of "Taisho Zang".
6. Huiyuan, "Preface to the Copying of the Great Wisdom", collected in Volume 10 of the Tripitaka Collection; Volume 55 of the Dasheng Canon.
7. Sengrui, "Preface to the Central Discourse" and "Preface to the Twelve Gate Discourses", collected in Volume 11 of the Tripitaka Collection; Volume 55 of the Taisho Canon.
8. Seng Zhao, "Zhao Lun"; "Taisho Zang" volume 45.
9. Seng Zhao, "Commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sutra"; "Taisho Tibet" Volume 38.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
usual results
40 包含出席率(10%)、課前準備與課堂討論(30%)
Midterm paper planning
Final paper
50 包含期末小型研討會論文發表(20%)、學期完整論文(30%)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3,4[H452]
授課教師 Teacher:嚴瑋泓
修課班級 Class:哲學碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:中哲
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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