course information of 109 - 1 | 5251 Seminar: Studies in Confucian Philosophy(儒家哲學研究)

5251 - 儒家哲學研究 Seminar: Studies in Confucian Philosophy

教育目標 Course Target

本課程旨在協助學生理解儒家哲學的基本特徵和要義。研究方法上以文本分析和哲學分析方法來探討儒家哲學中主要問題。此外,本課亦冀能訓練同學從分析哲學和比較哲學的角度,探究儒家哲學的不同時期所發展出來的基本觀念。 This course aims at helping students to understand the basic characteristics and ideas of Confucian philosophy. In terms of methodology, the methods of textual analysis and philosophical analysis are mainly used to deal with the basic problems in Confucian philosophy. Besides, it also wants to giving students a training in investigating the basic ideas in different periods of Confucian philosophy with perspectives from analytic and comparative philosophy. 主要課題包括:孔子的仁學思想、孟子的心性論、荀子的人性論、儒家的正名思想;漢儒的天人學說、張載的太虚與氣論、二程的理氣觀、朱熹的格物致知說;王陽明的良知說、戴震的氣化自然主義、熊十力的新唯識論、牟宗三的圓善論、唐君毅的心靈九境說、及馮友蘭的新理學。 研究方法上以文本分析和哲學分析為主,對以上課題作融貫而深入的探究。 Main topics include: Confucius’ theory of ren 仁 (benevolence), Mencius’ moral psychology, Xunzi’s theory of human nature, Confucian idea of zheng-ming 正名 (the rectification of names), Han Confucian idea of heaven and human, Zhang Zai’s theory of tai-xu 太虚 (great void) and qi 氣 (vital force), Cheng brothers’ idea of li 理 and qi 氣, Zhu Xi’s theory of ge-wu 格物 (investigation of things) and zhi-zhi 致知 (extending knowing power), Wang Yang-ming’s theory of liang-zhi 良知 (innate knowing power), Dai Zhen’s qi-naturalism, Xiong Shi-li’s new theory of consciousness only, Mou Zong-san’s theory of summum bonum (the highest good/perfect goodness), Tang Jun-yi’s theory of nine levels of spiritual vision, and Fung Yu-lan’s theory of new learning of principle. In terms of methodology, textual analysis and philosophical analysis are the major methods for a coherently and deeply investigation of the above topics. This course aims to help students understand the basic characteristics and essence of Confucian philosophy. The research method uses text analysis and philosophical analysis methods to explore the main issues in Confucian philosophy. In addition, this course also hopes to train students to explore the basic concepts developed in different periods of Confucian philosophy from the perspectives of analytical philosophy and comparative philosophy. This course aims at helping students to understand the basic characteristics and ideas of Confucian philosophy. In terms of methodology, the methods of textual analysis and philosophical analysis are mainly used to deal with the basic problems in Confucian philosophy. Besides, it also wants to giving students a training in investigating the basic ideas in different periods of Confucian philosophy with perspectives from analytic and comparative philosophy. The main topics include: Confucius’ thought of benevolence, Mencius’ theory of mind, Xunzi’s theory of human nature, and Confucianism’s theory of correcting names; Han Confucianism’s theory of heaven and man, Zhang Zai’s theory of Taixu and Qi, Er Cheng’s view of Li Qi, Zhu Xi's theory of studying things to achieve knowledge; Wang Yangming's theory of conscience, Dai Zhen's gasification naturalism, Xiong Shili's new knowledge-only theory, Mou Zongsan's theory of perfect goodness, Tang Junyi's theory of the nine realms of the soul, and Feng Youlan's new Neo-Confucianism. The research method mainly focuses on text analysis and philosophical analysis, and makes a coherent and in-depth exploration of the above topics. Main topics include: Confucius' theory of ren benevolence, Mencius' moral psychology, Xunzi's theory of human nature, Confucian idea of ​​zheng-ming rectification of names, Han Confucian idea of ​​heaven and human, Zhang Zai's theory of tai-xu great void and qi vital force, Cheng brothers' idea of ​​li 理and qi Qi, Zhu Xi's theory of ge-wu investigation of things and zhi-zhi extending knowing power, Wang Yang-ming's theory of liang-zhi innate knowing power, Dai Zhen's qi-naturalism, Xiong Shi -li's new theory of consciousness only, Mou Zong-san's theory of summum bonum (the highest good/perfect goodness), Tang Jun-yi's theory of nine levels of spiritual vision, and Fung Yu-lan’s theory of new learning of principle. In terms of methodology, textual analysis and philosophical analysis are the major methods for a coherently and deeply investigation of the above topics.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 馮友蘭:中國哲學簡史 (Chinese Translation) (北京大學出版社 1985)
Fung Yu-lan, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy (New York: the Free Press 1948)

(2) 馮耀明:中國古代哲學思想 (四冊) (香港公開大學1992)

(3) 陳榮捷:中國哲學文獻選編 (Chinese Translation) (巨流圖書有限公司 1993)
Wing-tsi Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press 1969)

(4) 授課老師提供相關論文與教材

(1) Feng Youlan: A Brief History of Chinese Philosophy (Chinese Translation) (Peking University Press 1985)
Fung Yu-lan, A Short History of Chinese Philosophy (New York: the Free Press 1948)

(2) Feng Yaoming: Ancient Chinese Philosophical Thoughts (Four Volumes) (Open University of Hong Kong 1992)

(3) Chen Rongjie: Selected Chinese Philosophical Literature (Chinese Translation) (Juliu Books Co., Ltd. 1993)
Wing-tsi Chan, A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press 1969)

(4) The instructor provides relevant papers and teaching materials

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final-term Paper (期末論文)Final-term Paper (期末論文)
Final-term Paper

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[H452]
授課教師 Teacher:馮耀明
修課班級 Class:哲學碩博1,2
選課備註 Memo:中哲
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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