本課程主要在討論台灣史之重要史料,課程中就不同主題,指定學生閱讀相關文獻與重要史料,並配合課堂討論與習作,培養學生對台灣史史料之研讀、分析與運用的能力。This course mainly discusses the important historical materials of Taiwan history. In the course, students are assigned to read relevant documents and important historical materials on different topics, and cooperate with class discussions and exercises to cultivate students' ability to study, analyze and apply the historical materials of Taiwan history.
1. 《台南府城教會報》,1893年1月至1905年12月。
2. 《台灣先鋒》,第1-10期,浙江金華:台灣義勇隊,1940年4月至1942年12月。
3. 《淡新檔案》,台北:國立台灣大學圖書館藏。
4. Barclay, Thomas,《巴克禮作品集》,台南:教會公報出版社,2005。
5. Campbell, William. Formosa under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Records, with Explanatory Notes and a Bibliography of the Island. London: Kegan Paul, 1903.
6. Campbell, William. Handbook of the English Presbyterian Mission in South Formosa. Hastings: F. J. Parsons, LTD. 1910. Reprint. 《台南教士會議事錄》,台南:教會公報社,2004。
7. Campbell, William. An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, vol.Ⅰ-Ⅱ. London: Trubner & Co., 1889.
8. Campbell, William. Sketches From Formosa. London: Marshall,1915.
9. Mackay, George Leslie. J. A. Macdonald ed., From Far Formosa: The Island, Its People and Mission. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1895.
10. Mackay, George Leslie著,陳宏文譯,《馬偕博士日記》,台南:人光出版社,1996。
11. Moody, Campbell N.《梅監務作品集》,台南:教會公報出版社,2006。
12. Pickering, W. A. Pioneering in Formosa: Recollections of Adventures Among Mandarins, Wreckers, & Head-Hunting Savages. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898.
13. The Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives. 台北:台灣神學院藏。
14. The Presbyterian Church of England Foreign Missions Archives, 1847-1950.(PCEFMA)中壢:中原大學宗教研究所藏。
15. The Presbyterian Messenger《使信全覽》,台南:台灣教會公報社,2006。
16. 中央研究院近代史研究所編,《教務教案檔》,第二至五輯,台北:中央研究院近代史研究所,1974-1977。
17. 林玉茹、李毓中編,《戰後台灣的歷史學研究1945-2000》第七冊台灣史,台北:行政院國家科學委員會,2004。
18. 張秀蓉編,《A Chronology of 19th Century Writings on Formosa》,台北:曹永和文教基金會,2008。
19. 台灣日日新報資料庫http://rrxintry.infolinker.com.tw/
20. 台灣日治時期統計資料庫http://tcsd.lib.ntu.edu.tw/
21. 台灣史資源檔案系統http://tais.ith.sinica.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/index.jsp
22. 台灣研究網路化http://twstudy.iis.sinica.edu.tw/
1. "Tainan Fucheng Church News", January 1893 to December 1905.
2. "Taiwan Pioneer", Issues 1-10, Jinhua, Zhejiang: Taiwan Volunteer Team, April 1940 to December 1942.
3. "Danxin Archives", Taipei: National Taiwan University Library.
4. Barclay, Thomas, "Collected Works of Barclay", Tainan: Church Gazette Press, 2005.
5. Campbell, William. Formosa under the Dutch: Described from Contemporary Records, with Explanatory Notes and a Bibliography of the Island. London: Kegan Paul, 1903.
6. Campbell, William. Handbook of the English Presbyterian Mission in South Formosa. Hastings: F. J. Parsons, LTD. 1910. Reprint. "Hansage of the Tainan Presbyterian Conference", Tainan: Church Gazette, 2004.
7. Campbell, William. An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa, vol.Ⅰ-Ⅱ. London: Trubner & Co., 1889.
8. Campbell, William. Sketches From Formosa. London: Marshall,1915.
9. Mackay, George Leslie. J. A. Macdonald ed., From Far Formosa: The Island, Its People and Mission. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1895.
10. Mackay, George Leslie, translated by Chen Hongwen, "The Diary of Dr. Mackay", Tainan: Renguang Publishing House, 1996.
11. Moody, Campbell N. "Collection of Works of Supervisor Mei", Tainan: Church Bulletin Publishing House, 2006.
12. Pickering, W. A. Pioneering in Formosa: Recollections of Adventures Among Mandarins, Wreckers, & Head-Hunting Savages. London: Hurst and Blackett, 1898.
13. The Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives. Taipei: Collection of Taiwan Theological Seminary.
14. The Presbyterian Church of England Foreign Missions Archives, 1847-1950. (PCEFMA) Zhongli: Collection of the Institute of Religion, Chung Yuan University.
15. The Presbyterian Messenger, Tainan: Taiwan Church Bulletin, 2006.
16. Compiled by the Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, "Academic Affairs and Teaching Records", Series 2 to 5, Taipei: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 1974-1977.
17. Lin Yuru and Li Yuzhong, eds. "Historical Research in Postwar Taiwan 1945-2000" Volume 7 History of Taiwan, Taipei: National Science Council, Executive Yuan, 2004.
18. Zhang Xiurong, ed., "A Chronology of 19th Century Writings on Formosa", Taipei: Tsao Yonghe Cultural and Educational Foundation, 2008.
19. Taiwan Daily News Database http://rrxintry.infolinker.com.tw/
20. Taiwan Statistical Database during Japanese Occupation http://tcsd.lib.ntu.edu.tw/
21. Taiwan Historical Resources Archive System http://tais.ith.sinica.edu.tw/sinicafrsFront/index.jsp
22. Taiwan Studies Online http://twstudy.iis.sinica.edu.tw/
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
專題報告專題報告 Special report |
40 | |
討論討論 Discuss |
40 | |
摘要摘要 summary |
20 |