「文化」的範疇甚廣,本課程著眼於歷史背景、社會政治、思想學說、文藝活動、風俗習慣等角度,結合文學作品與文學理論的提出,專題探討魏晉時期文化與文學之關係。俾使學生經此課程,對魏晉時期的文化現象有全面性的掌握,並對魏晉文學的發展流變有更深入的剖析。進而評價魏晉時期在中國文化史、文學史與思想史上的地位與影響。The scope of "culture" is very broad. This course focuses on the historical background, social politics, ideological doctrines, literary and artistic activities, customs and habits, etc., combined with the proposal of literary works and literary theories, to explore the relationship between culture and literature in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. This course enables students to have a comprehensive grasp of the cultural phenomena of the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and to have a more in-depth analysis of the development and evolution of Wei and Jin literature. Then evaluate the status and influence of the Wei and Jin Dynasties in the history of Chinese culture, literature and thought.
Classical documents and related treatises related to the Wei and Jin Dynasties
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂報告、討論課堂報告、討論 Class reports and discussions |
50 | 含出席率 |
論文寫作論文寫作 essay writing |
50 |