course information of 109 - 1 | 5020 Topics in Contemporary Chinese(當代華文文學專題)

5020 - 當代華文文學專題 Topics in Contemporary Chinese

教育目標 Course Target

一、幫助學生建立台灣以外華語語系現當代文學的發展及其與主要歷史發展、政治社會主要議題的關係。 二、藉由研讀文本和歷史文獻,運用文化、族群、血緣、語言,歷史等多重方法和脈絡認識和討論台灣以外華語語系的文學流動生態,以及文學生產的建制。 三、藉由引導式的報告,訓練學生資料收集、解讀、獨立思考與表述的能力。 四、透過各類文學主題和寫作形式的分析,強化學生的文學創作或撰述專題論文的能力。 1. Help students establish the development of modern and contemporary Chinese-language literature outside Taiwan and its relationship with major historical developments and major political and social issues. 2. By studying texts and historical documents, using multiple methods and contexts such as culture, ethnicity, kinship, language, and history to understand and discuss the literary flow ecology of Chinese-speaking languages ​​outside Taiwan, as well as the establishment of literary production. 3. Through guided reports, students’ abilities in data collection, interpretation, independent thinking and presentation are trained. 4. Through the analysis of various literary themes and writing forms, students’ ability to create literary works or write special papers will be strengthened.

參考書目 Reference Books

Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsin Tsai, and Brian Bernards ed. Sinophone studies : a critical reader. New York : Columbia University Press, 2013 。
Wang, David Der-wei ed.. A New Literary History of Modern China. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap P. of Harvard University P., 2017.

Shu-mei Shih, Chien-hsin Tsai, and Brian Bernards ed. Sinophone studies: a critical reader. New York: Columbia University Press, 2013.
Wang, David Der-wei ed.. A New Literary History of Modern China. Cambridge, Mass.: The Belknap P. of Harvard University P., 2017.
Wang Dewei et al., eds.: "Huayifeng: A Reader in Chinese Literature". Taipei: Lianjing, 2016.
Ding Fan: "Literary History and Intellectuals". Beijing: People's Literature Publishing House, 2014.
Shi Shumei: "Vision and Identity: Transpacific Sinophone Representations." Present”. Taipei: Lianjing, 2014.
Shi Shumei: "Anti-Dispersion". Taipei: Lianjing, 2017.
Hong Zicheng: "History of Contemporary Chinese Literature". Beijing: Peking University, 2007.
Chen Sihe: "Course on the History of Contemporary Mainland Literature". Taipei: United Literature, 2001.
Chan Chi-tak: "Disintegrating Our City: Hong Kong Literature 1950-2005". Hong Kong: Hua Qianshu, 2009.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Text reading and discussion
Introduction and discussion of related papers
Final report
50 期末繳交8000字以上報告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/2,3,4[H535]
授課教師 Teacher:朱衣仙
修課班級 Class:中文碩博1,2
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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