一、 研讀各家美學理論,具備美學素養。
二、 提高鑑賞與評判眼光,精確掌握作品文學藝術特徵。
三、 鑑往知來,美學家胸襟的養成。現代文學研究一直以來偏向文學史與文本解讀,導致文類不清,指鹿為馬,或一把抓的空洞現象,文學應回到文學的本質,叢類型學到風格學,藝術特徵與藝術性為文學追求的最終目標,正本清源此其時也。1. Study various aesthetic theories and acquire aesthetic literacy.
2. Improve the appreciation and judgment of works, and accurately grasp the literary and artistic characteristics of works.
3. Learn from the past and learn from the future, and cultivate the mind of an aesthetician. Modern literary research has always been biased towards literary history and text interpretation, resulting in unclear literary categories, referring to deer as horses, or the empty phenomenon of grasping a deer. Literature should return to the essence of literature, from typology to stylistics, and artistic characteristics and artistry are the ultimate pursuit of literature. The goal is to clear up the source at this time.
1、 盧卡奇小說理論
2、 車爾尼雪夫斯基美學論文集
3、 米蘭昆得拉小說理論
4、 周芬伶《聖與魔—戰後小說的心靈圖象》
1. Lukács’s novel theory
2. Chernyshevsky’s Essays on Aesthetics
3. Milan Kundera’s novel theory
4. Zhou Fenling's "Saints and Demons—Psychic Images of Postwar Novels"
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平常表現平常表現 normal behavior |
50 | |
期末論文期末論文 Final paper |
50 |