course information of 109 - 1 | 3912 Sophomore Chinese: Language and Communication(語文與溝通)

3912 - 語文與溝通 Sophomore Chinese: Language and Communication

教育目標 Course Target

使學生針對所學的語文課程基礎,可以做跨領域的結合,並發揮團隊合作及成果作品實踐的能力。This enables students to make cross-field combinations based on the basics of Chinese language courses they have learned, and develop their ability to work in teams and practice results.

課程概述 Course Description

  「語文與溝通」課程讓教學現場成為以「學」「習」作中心的場域,而能培育「深厚的博雅底蘊」,乃以「溝通」為主軸,以「2+1」為設計架構,落實「跨域」的對話。   在六大範疇的支柱中,「2+1」的第一個概念是,突破中文、英文單一授課的模式,在中文、英文分別授課(2)與共時授課(1)的靈活運用裡,從建立聽說讀寫的基本能力作開端,奠定深度「連結」(Connect)的基礎,不僅讓語文成為專業學習與社會需求的基礎能力,更能對不同文化產生深度與廣度的對話。   「2+1」的第二個概念是,以大二上(1)的成果展呈現大一兩學期(2)的學習成果,強調在學習的過程中,探索「語文與溝通」和專業學習、社會需求之間的關連,並在學習的成就感中,獲得學習的動機。
The "Language and Communication" course makes the teaching scene a field centered on "learning" and "learning", and can cultivate "profound liberal arts foundation". It takes "communication" as the main axis and "2+1" as the design structure to implement "Cross-domain" dialogue. Among the pillars of the six major areas, the first concept of "2+1" is to break through the single teaching model of Chinese and English. Through the flexible use of separate teaching in Chinese and English (2) and simultaneous teaching (1), from the establishment of Starting with the basic abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, it lays the foundation for deep "Connect", which not only makes Chinese a basic ability for professional learning and social needs, but also enables in-depth and broad dialogues with different cultures. The second concept of "2+1" is to use the achievement exhibition of the sophomore year (1) to present the learning results of the first two semesters (2), emphasizing the exploration of "Chinese and Communication", professional learning, and society in the learning process. The connection between needs and the motivation to learn are gained from the sense of achievement in learning.

參考書目 Reference Books

梅家玲等編《小說讀本》 二魚文化 2003
周芬伶等編《散文讀本》 二魚文化 2003

Written by Sima Qian, annotated by Yao Shutian, "Historical Records Jinghua Lu", Wenjin Publishing House
Edited by Wu Hongyi: "Leisure and Fun-Sketches of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Times Publishing House
Edited by Zhang Jing: "Landscapes and Essays - Selected Essays", Times Publishing House
Edited by Chen Wanyi: "Voice of Spirituality-Sketches of the Ming and Qing Dynasties", Times Publishing House
Edited by Yang Yi: "Selected Reviews of Ming and Qing Sketch", Sanlian Bookstore
Xu Daran, "Selected Contemporary Prose in Taiwan", Taipei: Newland, 1989
"Novel Reader" compiled by Mei Jialing and others, Eryu Culture 2003
"Prose Reader" compiled by Zhou Fenling and others, Eryu Culture 2003
Xiang Yang edited "The Golden Dictionary of Taiwan Literature in the 20th Century—Novel Volume" Taipei: United Literature, 2006

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Each group’s proposal report results
Achievement exhibition results
usual results
10 出席率,上課參與度

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:阮美慧
修課班級 Class:理學院2
選課備註 Memo:大學院課程,請老師及學生另訂課程時間,限人工加選
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 30 人。

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