course information of 109 - 1 | 3623 Educational Service Learning(教育服務學習)

3623 - 教育服務學習 Educational Service Learning

教育目標 Course Target

(一)認識服務學習理念、實施與相關議題。 (二)從服務學習中認識如何與弱勢群體(學習落後或是教育弱勢)成員互動,建立同理心。 (三)建立關懷整體社會、協助學習或教育弱勢的行為態度與行動。 ■ 課程內涵 (Course Contents) 1. 本課程與1門通識課程一起合作,進行課程教學,預計規劃2次2班一起進行課程教學 2.這門課程主要從認知、情意、與行動三個層面,瞭解因教育機會、社會結構與個人生理、心理因素所形成的教育與社會弱勢群體之特質、現況,並願意投身進入教育服務學習領域,以改善弱勢群體成員的社會與生活處境以及受教機會,也強化學習者自身的社會服務實踐知識與能力。由於大學生才走過青少年生命中青澀的階段,他們更能感同身受青少年在面臨生理變化、課業、親職及其它人際上可能遇到的種種困擾。 藉由服務學習機會激發大學生對關懷青少年的熱忱、服務社區國中生,讓大學生的角色從過去的資源使用者(受助者),進而成為社區的助人者。除此,這門服務學習活動將藉由經驗分享與討論,由授課教師、或機構督導帶領,引導學生思考服務學習活動的心得,並將所獲得的經驗與實際生活、或學習作連結。 3. 因為與本門課程合作的中學場域與機構提供的名額有限, 本門課程只能提供至多"23 "位的名額進行教育服務學習活動.(1) Understand the concept, implementation and related issues of service learning. (2) Understand how to interact with members of disadvantaged groups (lagged behind in learning or disadvantaged in education) through service learning and build empathy. (3) Establish behavioral attitudes and actions that care for the entire society and assist learning or education for the disadvantaged. ■ Course Contents 1. This course is taught in conjunction with a general education course. It is expected that two classes will be taught together twice. 2. This course mainly focuses on understanding the characteristics and current situation of disadvantaged groups in education and society due to educational opportunities, social structure, and personal physiological and psychological factors from three levels: cognition, emotion, and action, and being willing to participate in educational service learning. field, in order to improve the social and living conditions and educational opportunities of members of disadvantaged groups, and also strengthen learners’ own social service practical knowledge and abilities. Since college students have just passed through the youthful stage of adolescent life, they are more able to empathize with the various difficulties that adolescents may encounter in terms of physical changes, schoolwork, parenting, and other interpersonal relationships. Through service learning opportunities, college students' enthusiasm for caring for young people and serving junior high school students in the community can be stimulated, so that the role of college students can be changed from resource users (recipients) in the past to helpers in the community. In addition, this service-learning activity will be led by teachers or institutional supervisors through experience sharing and discussion to guide students to think about their experiences in service-learning activities and connect the experiences gained with real life or learning. 3. Due to the limited number of places provided by the secondary schools and institutions that cooperate with this course, this course can only provide up to "23" places for educational service learning activities.

參考書目 Reference Books

黃玉等(2008)。從服務中學習—跨?域 服務學習??與實務。台北:洪葉文化。
Steve McCurley & Rich Lynch著, 李淑均譯(2001)。志工實務手冊。台北:張老師文化。
Caritas Singapore Community Council(2009). Salt & Pepper. Singapore: Catholic Social Teachings.
Huang et al. (2008). Learning from Service—Cross? Domain Service Learning? ? and practice. Taipei: Hongye Culture.
Xu Ming et al (2008). Learn from service. Taipei: Hongye Culture.
Zhang Qiongyun (2005). Found myself in another world. Taipei: Shangzhou Publishing House.
Written by Steve McCurley & Rich Lynch, translated by Li Shujun (2001). Volunteer Practice Manual. Taipei: Teacher Zhang Culture.
Caritas Singapore Community Council (2009). Salt & Pepper. Singapore: Catholic Social Teachings.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Educational service learning hours
interim report
Final report
Supervision rating

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:陳鶴元
修課班級 Class:教育學程2
選課備註 Memo:教育實踐課程,修畢教專與E檔+教育基礎及教育方法各4學分方可修習。與3395課程為課程模組。
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