course information of 109 - 1 | 3621 Adolescence Development(青少年發展與學習)

3621 - 青少年發展與學習 Adolescence Development

教育目標 Course Target

【課程簡介】 青少年階段的個體,正從依賴的兒童期邁向具邏輯與思考能力的獨立個體,而此一階段的個體無論心理或生理上均面臨巨大的發展變化,並努力地探索自我與建立認同。如教師能對青少年的心理發展與輔導有越多的瞭解,那麼在學生面臨壓力與身心發展所衍生的諸多困惑時,將更有能力協助孩子們順利地走過這段充滿矛盾與挑戰的人生階段。 因此,本課程從發展心理學的角度出發,介紹各種有關青少年發展與輔導的理論與實證研究,並透過訪談專業輔導老師與中學教師,蒐集一系列青少年常見的心理發展、社會發展及行為適應問題的真實案例。並將中學教育現場的真實問題作為情境脈絡,促使學生進行反思,並發展問題解決方案。此外,本課程亦將導入教育大數據,協助學生以資料科學家的角度,釐清臺灣青少年發展的問題及其所涉及的相關因素。 【課程目標】 (1) 瞭解青少年發展的相關理論與輔導策略 (2) 增進學生對青少年身心發展特徵與問題的瞭解 (3) 培養解決青少年發展問題之能力 【Course Introduction】 Individuals in the adolescent stage are moving from dependent childhood to independent individuals with logical and thinking abilities. Individuals at this stage are facing tremendous development changes, both psychologically and physically, and are working hard to explore themselves and establish identity. If teachers can understand more about the psychological development and counseling of adolescents, they will be better able to help children successfully go through this period of life full of contradictions and challenges when students face pressure and many confusions arising from physical and mental development. stage. Therefore, this course starts from the perspective of developmental psychology and introduces various theoretical and empirical studies on adolescent development and counseling. Through interviews with professional counselors and middle school teachers, this course collects a series of common psychological development, social development and behavioral adaptation problems of adolescents. real case. It also uses real problems in middle school education as contextual context to prompt students to reflect and develop solutions to problems. In addition, this course will also introduce educational big data to help students clarify the issues of youth development in Taiwan and the related factors involved from the perspective of data scientists. 【Course Objectives】 (1) Understand relevant theories and counseling strategies for adolescent development (2) Enhance students’ understanding of the characteristics and problems of adolescents’ physical and mental development (3) Cultivate the ability to solve youth development problems

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) ※黃德祥(2018)。青少年發展與輔導。台北:五南。(主要教科書)
(2) 黃俊豪、連廷嘉(譯)(2009)。青少年心理學(原作者: F. Philip Rice & Kim Gale Dolgin)。台北:學富。
(3) 教師自編教材。

Main textbooks/textbooks
(1) ※Huang Dexiang (2018). Youth Development and Counseling. Taipei: Wunan. (Main Textbook)
(2) Huang Junhao and Lien Tingjia (translated) (2009). Adolescent Psychology (original authors: F. Philip Rice & Kim Gale Dolgin). Taipei: Xuefu.
(3) Teachers compile their own teaching materials.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Quiz in class (10%)
10 在幾個重要的單元或主題中,結合當週的課程內容,搭配教師資格考試或教師甄試考古題,確保同學能有效理解當代青少年發展與輔導的理論與重要概念。
Midterm exam, final exam (40%)
PBL case analysis, classroom participation (20%)
5 參與課堂討論、針對課程所規劃的案例與議題,積極參與並進行合作問題解決。
團體專題研究報告/ 學習契約(30%)團體專題研究報告/ 學習契約(30%)
Group research report/learning contract (30%)
5 (1) 請您從檢視教育現場,發掘1個待解決的青少年發展的真實問題,在確立問題意識後,透過相關理論與實證研究進行問題探究、自主學習,並提出解決方案,最後進行反思對話。 (2) 每一份學習契約以2000-4000字為原則,撰寫方向略以:從過去經驗耙梳問題意識、對照教科書與期刊上所揭的相關理論進行問題探究與自主學習、提出解決方案(寫出您的分析心得與看法、具體的問題解決策略),最後透過課堂報告與公開發表,與同儕進行分享與對話,並進行反思。 (3) 評分標準請見後附評量尺規(rubics)

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/7,8[H123]
授課教師 Teacher:巫博瀚
修課班級 Class:教育學程2
選課備註 Memo:教方課程,限已修習教專與E檔+教育基礎4學分者修習
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 20 人。

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