1. 了解教育心理學的基本概念與理論。
2. 學習分析、比較不同教育心理學理論及其在教育上的應用。
3. 探討教學與學習歷程中有關的心理因素及其對學習者的影響。
4. 關注教學與學習情境中產生的問題。
5. 應用教育心理學理論於實際教學現場中。
6. 養成自律(自我調整)與合作討論的學習精神。
7. 培養具有教學效能之未來教師。
1. Understand the basic concepts and theoretical discussions of educational psychology.
2. Learn to analyze and compare different educational psychology theories and their applications in education.
3. Explore psychological factors related to teaching and learning and their impact on learners.
4. Pay attention to problems arising from teaching and learning situations.
5. Apply educational psychology theory in the realm of actual teaching.
6. To cultivate a learning spirit of self-discipline (self-adjustment) and cooperative discussion.
7. Cultivate future teachers with teaching effectiveness.
Educational psychology is one of the basic courses of education. It is to understand the introductory courses of learners' learning and psychology. By understanding different learning theory views, we recognize students' learning and related behaviors in the classroom. We hope that by understanding and understanding different theories, we can compare and analyze the views and beliefs they have adopted, and experience and verify them in the subsequent educational situation.
1. 張春興(2016)。教育心理學—三化取向的理論與實踐。台北市:東華。(必購)
2. 張文哲譯(2013)。Slavin, R. E. (2003) 原著。教育心理學理論與實務 (Educational Psychology:
Theory and practice, 10th ed.)。台北市:學富。
3. 白惠芳總校閱(2011)。Ormrod, J. E. (2008)原著。教育心理學-學習者的發展於成長(Educational
Psychology: Developing learners, 6th ed.)。台北市:紅葉。
1. Zhang Chunxing (2016). Educational Psychology—Theory and reality of the three-dimensional orientation. Taipei City: East China. (Must purchase)
2. Zhang Wenzhe translated (2013). Slavin, R. E. (2003) Original. Educational Psychology:
Theory and practice, 10th ed.). Taipei City: Learn to be rich.
3. Chief Executive Bai Huifang (2011). Ormrod, J. E. (2008) Original. Educational Psychology - Learners' development and growth (Educational
Psychology: Developing learners, 6th ed.). Taipei City: Red Leaf.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 Regular achievements |
30 | |
期中考試 期中考試 Midterm exam |
25 | |
中學教育經驗探討與反思之撰寫中學教育經驗探討與反思之撰寫 Writing on the Exploration and Reflection of Middle School Education Experience |
10 | |
小組讀書會小組讀書會 Group reading session |
15 | |
期末學習成果展示期末學習成果展示 Final learning results display |
20 |