course information of 109 - 1 | 3441 Beginnings-Studio Thrive(大學引導-成長工作坊)

3441 - 大學引導-成長工作坊 Beginnings-Studio Thrive

教育目標 Course Target

「成長工作坊 Studio Thrive」以學生最在意及需要的不同議題,例如「如何和室友相處」、「如何使用學校資源」、「男女大不同」、「如何和同學相處」、「如何告白」、「我的系與我的未來」…等,我的系與未來...等,能從認識自我和認識他人中發展健康人際關係(包含室友,男女朋友,同學,父母等),並學習面對挑戰,突破自我,建立自信,迎接職場,裝備學生以正確的價值及人生觀來面對大學生活及未來,同時也強化雙語溝通的能力。 *課程深獲學生好評,滿意度近95%! "Growth Workshop Studio Thrive" focuses on different topics that students care about most and need, such as "How to get along with roommates", "How to use school resources", "Big differences between men and women", "How to get along with classmates", "How to confess", "My department and "My future"...wait, my relationship with the future...wait, can we recognize the Develop healthy interpersonal relationships (including roommates, boyfriends and girlfriends, classmates, parents, etc.) by getting to know yourself and others, and learn to face challenges, break through yourself, build self-confidence, and face the workplace, equipping students to face the world with correct values ​​and outlook on life For college life and the future, it also strengthens bilingual communication skills. *The course has been well received by students, with nearly 95% satisfaction rate!

參考書目 Reference Books


評分方式 Grading

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12 courses attended 8 times
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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/11,12[路思義教堂]
授課教師 Teacher:David Clotfelter
修課班級 Class:共選修1-4
選課備註 Memo:住宿主題村Soar House;第一次上課9/22,上課地點:路思義教堂及校牧室教室
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

There're now 78 person in the class.
目前選課人數為 78 人。

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