1. 正確的用藥是每個人必須具備的知識與技能,本課程授課老師將可能遇到的用藥問題,從臨床實務到生活應用,介紹各類藥品的使用與注意事項,期望學生能獲得正確用藥觀念。
2. 讓學生能夠了解用藥注意事項,可以協助家人朋友正確使用藥品。
3. 簡介新穎健康科技以及人工智慧在醫院實際的應用,讓學生對新穎的健康科技產品有進一步的認識。
4. 針對新穎的人工智慧、大數據等議題結合新藥開發,以深入淺出的解說,讓學生對藥物與健康科技有更多認識。1. The correct use of medication is knowledge and skills that everyone must have. In this course, the teacher will introduce the medication problems that may be encountered, from clinical practice to daily life applications, and introduce the use and precautions of various types of drugs. It is hoped that students can obtain the correct use of medication. concept.
2. Allow students to understand the precautions for medication and help family and friends use medications correctly.
3. Introduce novel health technology and the practical application of artificial intelligence in hospitals, so that students can have a better understanding of novel health technology products.
4. Focus on novel artificial intelligence, big data and other topics combined with new drug development, and use in-depth explanations to let students have a better understanding of drugs and health technology.
1. 藥師在你家:讓藥師告訴你如何正確用藥中華民國藥師公會全國聯合會/編著 2014年出版
2. 就是藥健康:你不可不知的正確用藥常識中華民國藥師公會全國聯合會/編著 2010年出版
3. 醫院常用藥100問〔最新修訂版〕花蓮慈濟醫院藥劑部, 劉采艷 2015年出版
1. Pharmacist at your home: Let the pharmacist tell you how to use medicine correctly./Compiled by the National Federation of Pharmacists Associations of the Republic of China, published in 2014
2. It’s medicine for health: the knowledge you must know about the correct use of medicines/compiled by the National Federation of Pharmacists Associations of the Republic of China Published in 2010
3. 100 Questions on Commonly Used Drugs in Hospitals [Latest Revised Edition] Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital Pharmacy Department, published by Liu Caiyan in 2015
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中考期中考 midterm exam |
40 | 考題可能有選擇題、是非題、填充題或問答題。 |
期末書面報告期末書面報告 Final written report |
40 | 書面報告 |
平日平日 weekdays |
20 | 出席狀況及課堂表現 |