Python是一個相當成熟而強大的程式語言,相比於 C++ 或 Java,Python 讓開發者能夠用更少的代碼表達想法,使其被廣泛地運用於Web程式,GUI開發,作業系,統科學計算程式等領域。著名的大型網路應用軟體如YouTube、Google、Yahoo!、NASA等大型應用也都在內部大量地使用Python。
現今資訊的發展,數位行動化已到一個相當成熟的階段,進而產生各項設備與網路結合的需求,也就是所謂IoT物聯網時代,許多相關產品,如著名的Arduino、樹莓派(Raspberry Pi)等應時而生。其中樹莓派(Raspberry Pi)是一款基於ARM架構的單板機電腦。本身具有RJ45、WIFI、藍芽等網路連線功能,HDMI輸出功能,但大小却只約一張名片。體積小但功能強大,讓IoT的應用開發更為便利。
本課程透過Python 程式引導學生了解電腦程式語言編碼,學生可以由此認識到電腦世界如何處理問題方法,並培養邏輯思考的能力,讓其面臨本身學科事務時,可以多一維思考方向。課程中也會介紹物聯網產品的基本安裝與使用,並將所學的程式語言實際與IoT產品結合,讓學生可以對此非常熱門的物連網議題有一個具體的概念。Target:
Python programming language writing ability development
Understand IoT products and basic operations
Control sensing devices and create digital products through programming language
Python is a very mature and powerful programming language. Compared with C++ or Java, Python allows developers to express ideas with less code, making it widely used in Web programs, GUI development, operating systems, and system scientific computing. Programming and other fields. Well-known large-scale network application software such as YouTube, Google, Yahoo!, NASA and other large-scale applications also use Python extensively internally.
With the development of information today, digital mobility has reached a very mature stage, which has resulted in the need to integrate various devices with the Internet. This is the so-called IoT era. Many related products, such as the famous Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pi) and so on. Among them, Raspberry Pi is a single-board computer based on ARM architecture. It has RJ45, WIFI, Bluetooth and other network connection functions, as well as HDMI output function, but it is only about the size of a business card. Small in size but powerful in function, it makes IoT application development more convenient.
This course uses Python programs to guide students to understand computer programming language coding. From this, students can understand how to deal with problems in the computer world, and develop their logical thinking ability, so that they can have more one-dimensional thinking directions when facing their own subject matters. The course will also introduce the basic installation and use of IoT products, and actually combine the programming languages learned with IoT products, allowing students to have a concrete concept of this very popular IoT topic.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
40 | 出席、課堂表現 |
期中報告期中報告 interim report |
30 | 書面報告 |
期未報告期未報告 No report yet |
30 | 書面報告及實作展示 |