course information of 109 - 1 | 3292 Career Development and Leadership(領導與倫理:東海風-學生領袖培育之路)

3292 - 領導與倫理:東海風-學生領袖培育之路 Career Development and Leadership

教育目標 Course Target

為因應深耕計畫全校博雅教育的推動,整合校內學生社群幹部的培育,規劃此Tunghai’s way課程,成為每一位學生領袖幹部的基礎培力課程,貫徹本校立校14點備忘錄所述東海所欲培養的人才理念。 課程所規劃的內容,將從認識這所學校的立校精神,從各種立校的文獻中,深入了解立校的教育理念,並實地的從畢業校友的角度,述說曾經受到的東海教育、立校精神為其帶來的影響;並闡述僕人領導的服務精神及特質,規劃學生領袖培育的路徑,讓課外的學習規劃能真正將求真、篤信、力行校訓,落實到生活與學習當中。 課程分以下部分: 1. 遇見東海;東海立校精神探討:立校教育理念文獻探討 2. 突破自我及DISC檢測:利用DISC人格特質檢測,幫助學生了解自我特質及突破慣性思考。 3. 建立團隊關係與增進溝通技能:利用工具檢測及團體活動,幫助學生建立團隊關係及表達技巧。 In order to deepen the promotion of liberal arts education in the whole school, integrate the cultivation of the student community department on campus, plan this Tunghai’s way course and become the basic training course for every student leader department. I will forget the talent concept that Donghai wants to cultivate at 14 o'clock in the school. The content of the course planning will understand the school's school-based spirit, from the various school-based literature, and from the perspective of graduate school-based alumni, and describe the influence of the Donghai education and school-based spirit that they have received. It will also describe the service spirit and characteristics of the servant leadership, and plan the path of cultivating student leaders, so that learning outside the class can truly seek truth, gain confidence, and implement the school training in life and learning. The course is divided into the following parts: 1. Meeting Donghai; Exploration of the Spirit of Donghai School: Exploration of the Concept and Culture of School Education 2. Breakthrough self and DISC testing: Use DISC personality trait testing to help students understand self-characteristics and break through habitual thinking. 3. Establish team relationships and enhance communication skills: Use tool testing and group activities to help students establish team relationships and expression skills.

參考書目 Reference Books


評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Course Participation
50 本課程希望以通過或不通過的方式進行評量
個人生涯road map個人生涯road map
Personal career road map
50 本課程以個人學習地圖的規劃、個人學習發展為目標,不適宜用分數進行評量

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Course Information


學分 Credit:1-0
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:陳以愛/黃鴻順/蔡亞平
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:學務處合作課程,不參加網路選課,上課時間另行公告
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 55 人。

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