這門課為東海大學勞作教育做了大突破— 結合「弓道」,由「寸步弓箭」蔡明川老師擔任「做中學」、「體驗式學習」的主要指導老 師,
一般人想到成功人士,通常會聯想到社會上擁有巨大財富,有高知名度,帶領某種具影響力的 社會活動或運動,或者是在各行各業中有著卓越的專業表現。
然而,成功指意味著擁有許多物 質與名望嗎?現今之社會及媒體正不斷的在扭曲年輕人的價值觀,鼓勵他們以又快又容易的方式 來追求財富及物質。
但是,當年輕人把對物質及財富的追求事為人生中的第一要務,這種對增 加個人財富及物質的渴望往往會扭曲年輕人對生命意義的認知及價值觀,使其無法在社會各行 各業中成為稱職的領袖,來發揮正面的影響力並能服務、造福人群。
現今的大學教育主要著重 在專門人才的培育,重點在訓練學生如何奮力擁有物質。通常不教學生如何來過自己的一生, 也不強調人生基本要素為何。其實,這些非物質事務對於使年輕人成為健全、成熟的人是相當 重要的;只是大多數人,包括學生本身,並不看重這些傳統價值。
在本課程中,藉著多元的學 習方式,結合弓道實作與引導教育,希望能喚起學生對品格的重視,了解諸如禮貌、尊重、恩 慈、誠實、節制、紀律、付出、委身、溫柔言語、信守承諾....等傳統美德對個人在職場及家庭 中得以成功及發揮影響力之重要性。希望學生在完成本課程後,能深刻體認成功的真正定義, 知道沒有所謂的秘訣與捷徑,並願意付出代價,努力學習,在自己生命中培養出各種品格。
當 學生擁有這些生命特質,配合上在各系所所培養之專業能力,將能使他們在各行各業成為領導 人物發揮正面的影響力來提昇整個社會。並將進行課程研究,探討如何將相關理論實踐於勞作 教育場域中,而能提升勞作生用嚴謹態度做事以及在小事上忠心之能力。期末將統整修課同學 所收集之資料及研究成果,整理成研究論文,並在相關之研討會中加以發表。Welcome to this course on character and leadership.
This course has made a big breakthrough in the labor education of Tunghai University - it combines "Kyudo", with Teacher Cai Mingchuan of "Inchbu Archery" as the main instructor of "Learning by Doing" and "Experiential Learning".
We hope that students can experience "character" and "leadership" through a hands-on process.
In fact, there are no standards for character or leadership, so we also hope that this class will be different from the traditional class format.
It is no longer "teacher-centered" but "student-centered"!
It is no longer "teaching from the top down", but "teachers and students, seniors, sisters and younger students learn together"!
It is no longer "memorizing abstract knowledge", but "humbly open-minded, dedicated and committed, adventurous experience, caring and giving"!
We will provide the information and principles of "learning together", and the real decision and performance is up to each student.
Finally, we look forward to our growth and breakthroughs together, this is what we care about most.
When ordinary people think of successful people, they usually think of having huge wealth in society, being highly famous, leading some kind of influential social activities or movements, or having outstanding professional performance in various walks of life.
However, does success mean having a lot of material things and fame? Today's society and the media are constantly distorting the values of young people, encouraging them to pursue wealth and material things in a quick and easy way.
However, when young people regard the pursuit of material and wealth as the first priority in life, this desire to increase personal wealth and material things often distorts young people's understanding of the meaning of life and values, making them unable to function in all walks of life in society. Become a competent leader in various industries to exert a positive influence and be able to serve and benefit the people.
Today's university education mainly focuses on the cultivation of specialized talents, focusing on training students how to strive to possess material things. Students are usually not taught how to live their lives, nor are the basic elements of life emphasized. In fact, these non-material matters are very important for making young people become sound and mature people; it is just that most people, including the students themselves, do not value these traditional values.
In this course, through multiple learning methods, combined with Kyudo practice and guided education, we hope to arouse students' attention to character and understand such things as courtesy, respect, kindness, honesty, moderation, discipline, dedication, commitment, gentle words, The importance of traditional virtues such as keeping one's promises and for one's success and influence in the workplace and at home. I hope that after completing this course, students will have a deep understanding of the true definition of success, know that there are no so-called secrets and shortcuts, and be willing to pay the price, study hard, and cultivate various characters in their lives.
When students possess these life qualities, combined with the professional abilities developed in various departments, they will be able to become leaders in all walks of life and exert a positive influence to improve the entire society. We will also conduct curriculum research to explore how to apply relevant theories in the field of labor education to improve labor students' ability to work with a rigorous attitude and be loyal in small things. At the end of the semester, the data and research results collected by the students in the course will be compiled into a research paper and published in relevant seminars.
1.Urban, H. 2015. 人生最需要的20件禮物:給年輕學子及大人的品格勵志書。宇宙光全人關懷機 構。(劉如菁 譯)
2.Maxwell, J. C. 2009. 雙贏領導101。智庫文化。(蔡壁如 譯).
3.Maxwell, J. C. 2009.成為有影響力的人。基石出版社。(吳蔓玲 譯)
1.Urban, H. 2015. The 20 most needed gifts in life: a character inspirational book for young students and adults. Cosmic Light Holistic Care Organization. (Translated by Liu Rujing)
2. Maxwell, J. C. 2009. Win-Win Leadership 101. Think tank culture. (Translated by Cai Biru).
3. Maxwell, J. C. 2009. Becoming an Influencer. Cornerstone Press. (Translated by Wu Manling)
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席及課堂討論出席及課堂討論 Attendance and class discussions |
20 | 準時參與點名考,符合課程對上課態度之相關規定。 |
每堂課堂反思單每堂課堂反思單 Reflection sheet for each class |
20 | 積極投入課堂反思討論,每人一張白紙,學員10週的課程都會有反思寫在這張紙上,呈現的形式可以由學員自己決定。 |
品格實踐日品格實踐日 Character practice day |
10 | 期中學習心得以心智圖統整 |
期末成果報告期末成果報告 Final results report |
25 | 學生就課堂上所習得之特定品格, 從父母、 長輩、手足、同儕以及勞作教育場域就每單 元之內容反思自己目前之狀況,在勞作教育 場域中主動尋找機會操練特定之品格,並在整理反思後作成「微電影」或書面報告於期末繳交。 |
研究方案研究方案 research proposal |
25 | 將進行課程研究,探討如何將相關理論實踐 於勞作教育場域中,而能提升勞作生用嚴謹 態度做事以及在小事上忠心之能力。期末將 統整修課同學所收集之資料及研究成果,整 理成研究論文,並在相關之研討會中加以發表。 |