course information of 109 - 1 | 3261 Reading Foucault: the History of Sexuality(文明與經典:傅柯《性經驗史》)

3261 - 文明與經典:傅柯《性經驗史》 Reading Foucault: the History of Sexuality

教育目標 Course Target

當代法國思想家傅柯(Foucault)致力權力、真理與主體關係研究,挖掘主體在不同歷史階段遭遇權力、真理所型構的各類主體模式,如同傅柯自己的解釋,「我所研究的毋寧是探討我們文化中,有關人類各種不同主體化模式的歷史」。這些研究如主體跟真理關係的《臨床醫學的誕生》、《知識考古學》;主體跟權力關係的《規訓和懲罰》;主體跟道德關係的《性經驗史》。傅柯關切重點是我們自身如何的問題,自身如何成為言說、勞動、生活的主體,如何成為知識、權力、道德的主體和客體。歷經瘋狂、醫療、監獄等不同時空下權力模式和主體化/屈從化過程的探討,傅柯晚年則將焦點放在人類的慾望史,也就是性經驗史中,探索性慾與禁制的關係、肉體快感的享用原則以及如何關懷自身,自身又如何建構成為倫理的主體。傅柯上溯古希臘羅馬文獻找到關懷自我、自我關注和自我技術的傳統。古希臘以來,有一種「人們可以使自己的生活變成一部作品的概念」,所談論的生活藝術、風格多是關於關懷自身的課題,這是一種關懷自身的藝術,圍繞著「跟自身的關係」、「自身與他人的關係」,而在性經驗中,也隱含人們對待自身、對待他人以及對待世界的經驗。傅柯據此鋪展我們自身遭遇及其形成的社會歷史條件下的歷史存在論以及自我關注的倫理學。關懷自身成為傅柯人類性經驗史的重點,「比起性的問題,我更加對關懷自身及其相關問題感興趣」,就傅柯而言,「關懷自身與自身技術的歷史,就是主體性歷史的一個實現方式」。而關懷自身的技術就是自我的技術,就是生存美學。性經驗史不再只是慾望如何產生、慾望與主體關係、慾望的道德禁制或快感的享用,更是一種自我關注、關懷自身的生存美學,也是一種實踐自由的生存美學。傅柯的《性經驗史》問題化權力、性與主體的關係,讓我們看到不同歷史階段的主體化實踐過程,也讓我們重新思考性與自身存在的關係。The contemporary French thinker Foucault is committed to the study of the relationship between power, truth and subject, and explores various subject models shaped by the subject's encounter with power and truth at different historical stages. As Foucault himself explained, "What I study is rather Exploring the history of different modes of human subjectivation in our culture." These studies include "The Birth of Clinical Medicine" and "Archaeology of Knowledge" on the relationship between subject and truth; "Discipline and Punishment" on the relationship between subject and power; and "History of Sexual Experience" on the relationship between subject and morality. Foucault's focus is on how we ourselves are, how we become the subject of speech, labor, and life, and how we become the subject and object of knowledge, power, and morality. After exploring power models and subjectification/submission processes in different time and spaces such as madness, medical treatment, and prison, Foucault focused on the history of human desire, that is, the history of sexual experience, in his later years, exploring the relationship between sexual desire and restraint, and the physical body. The principle of enjoyment of pleasure and how to care for oneself, and how to construct oneself as the subject of ethics. Foucault traced ancient Greek and Roman texts to find the tradition of self-care, self-focus and self-technology. Since ancient Greece, there has been a "concept that people can turn their lives into a work." The art of life and style discussed are mostly about caring for oneself. This is an art of caring for oneself, which revolves around "the relationship with oneself." "Relationship", "relationship between oneself and others", and in sexual experience, it also implies people's experience of treating themselves, others and the world. Based on this, Foucault unfolds the historical ontology and the ethics of self-concern under the social and historical conditions of our own encounters and formation. Caring for oneself has become the focus of Foucault's history of human sexual experience. "Compared with sexual issues, I am more interested in caring for oneself and related issues." For Foucault, "The history of caring for oneself and one's own technology is subjectivity." A way of realizing history". The technology of caring for oneself is the technology of oneself, which is the aesthetics of survival. The history of sexual experience is no longer just about how desire arises, the relationship between desire and the subject, the moral prohibition of desire, or the enjoyment of pleasure, but also a kind of survival aesthetics that focuses on oneself and cares about oneself, and also a kind of survival aesthetics that practices freedom. Foucault's "History of Sexual Experience" problematizes the relationship between power, sex and subjectivity, allowing us to see the practice process of subjectification at different historical stages, and also allows us to rethink the relationship between sex and our own existence.

參考書目 Reference Books

Foucault, Michel,《性經驗史》(上海:上海人民出版社,2002)
Foucault, Michel, A History of Sexual Experience (Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House, 2002)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class Reports and Attendance
25 課程以講授和討論方式進行,每週安排同學負責閱讀材料之摘要報告,和閱讀心得,並提出問題,除嘗試回達所提問題外,也帶動全班討論。A4一頁,報告當天書面繳交。請勿無故缺席課堂報告(無法到課報告請事先請假)。不定期點名,出席率列入平時成績計算。
Daily homework
25 每位同學需就各週之指定教材,任選六篇撰寫閱讀心得,期中考前和期末考前各繳三篇,每篇A4一頁左右書面繳交。切勿缺繳。
Midterm/Final Exam
50 (分數各佔25%)申論題,非攜書應試。

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學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/5,6,7[HT108]
授課教師 Teacher:黃宏昭
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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