course information of 109 - 1 | 3248 Liu Ju-Shih Pieh-chuan(文明與經典:陳寅恪《柳如是別傳》)

3248 - 文明與經典:陳寅恪《柳如是別傳》 Liu Ju-Shih Pieh-chuan

教育目標 Course Target

《柳如是別傳》是陳寅恪晚年的「頌紅妝」之作,寫作耗費十年,出版後震驚士林,也留下難解謎團。陳寅恪以絕代之才華,遭逢顛沛困頓之境遇,在目盲腿斷衰殘暮年,譜成一首文化輓歌,一部長篇史詩,一齣歷史悲劇。在一個天崩地裂的時代,一群男男女女,面對難以抗拒的命運,如何愛?如何恨?如何生?如何死?陳寅恪「臥榻沉思,然脂暝寫」,「述事言情,憫生悲死」。融合史才、詩筆、議論,構造一個多重交融的世界。引領讀者沿著詩和史的路徑,挖掘記憶隱晦的深處,傾聽將逝未逝的歌聲,重現失去卻能復返的時光。"The Farewell Biography of Liu Rushi" is Chen Yinke's "Ode to Hongzhuang" in his later years. It took ten years to write. After its publication, it shocked scholars and left a mystery. With his unparalleled talent, Chen Yinke encountered a difficult situation, and in his old age when he was blind and had a broken leg, he composed a cultural elegy, a long epic, and a historical tragedy. In an era when the earth is falling apart, how can a group of men and women love in the face of an irresistible fate? How to hate? How to give birth? How to die? Chen Yinke "lyed on the bed and meditated, and then wrote in the dark", "narrated things and expressed feelings, and felt compassion for life and death." It combines historical talent, poetry, and discussion to construct a world of multiple integrations. It leads readers along the path of poetry and history, digging into the obscure depths of memory, listening to the songs that are about to pass away, and recreating a time that is lost but can be returned.

參考書目 Reference Books

Chen Yinke, "Farewell Biography of Liu Rushi", three volumes (Beijing: Sanlian Bookstore, 2001.)

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Writing "We Three Generations"
20 不得少於1000字。
Write "The Longest Day" or "The Most Unforgettable Party"
20 不得少於1000字。
Write a report on "Liu Rushi's Farewell Biography"
60 不得少於2000字。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/2,3,4[C203]
授課教師 Teacher:陳以愛
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:修過文明與經典:王國維、陳寅恪、錢鍾書,柳如是別傳者不得選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 22 人。

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