course information of 109 - 1 | 3201 The Changing Global Order(社會:全球秩序重組 )

3201 - 社會:全球秩序重組 The Changing Global Order

教育目標 Course Target

本課程的目標,是要解釋21世紀初期,扭轉國際秩序的最重要事件,也就是為什麼美國總統川普要發動美中貿易戰背後的背景因素:全球秩序重組前因後果。川普不是單純的不滿中國搶走美國工作、偷走智慧財產,占世界貿易組織的便宜,而是如何力求達成美國再次偉大,因此美國調整對中國戰略就成為首要目標。除了政策上對中國輸往美國市場的商品課以不同程度的關稅,企圖迫使中國在美中貿易談判中,能夠接受美國條件,戰略上更企圖迫使中國按照美國的規範與標準活動於國際社會。雙方關係的改變正如同學術界所關注到國際秩序正在產生劇烈的變化,對於許多國家,包含台灣,在經濟與政治都產生深刻影響。國際體系與秩序是一個隨著大國力量變化而不斷變動的產物,20世紀第二次世界大戰結束後,美國所主導的全球化,建立的國際經貿秩序,透過許多國際組織、多邊協定、區域合作,凝聚國家間合作的基礎。The goal of this course is to explain the most important event in reversing the international order in the early 21st century, that is, the background factors behind why U.S. President Trump launched the U.S.-China trade war: the causes and consequences of the reorganization of the global order. Trump is not simply dissatisfied with China for taking American jobs, stealing intellectual property, and taking advantage of the World Trade Organization. Instead, Trump strives to make America great again. Therefore, adjusting the U.S. strategy toward China has become the primary goal. In addition to the policy of imposing varying degrees of tariffs on Chinese goods exported to the U.S. market in an attempt to force China to accept U.S. conditions in U.S.-China trade negotiations, the strategy also attempts to force China to act in accordance with U.S. norms and standards in the international community. The changes in the relationship between the two sides are just as the academic community has noticed that the international order is undergoing drastic changes, which will have a profound impact on the economy and politics of many countries, including Taiwan. The international system and order are products that are constantly changing with the changes in the power of major powers. After the end of World War II in the 20th century, the globalization led by the United States established an international economic and trade order through many international organizations, multilateral agreements, and regional cooperation. , to consolidate the basis for cooperation between countries.

參考書目 Reference Books

Ripsman, Norrin, Jeffrey Taliaferro, and Steven E. Lobell, 2016. Neoclassical Realist Theory of International Politics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

RIP is the man, nor Rin, Jeffrey Ta Li, and Steven E. lo Bell, 2016. neoclassical realist theory of international politics. Oxford: Oxford university press.

評分方式 Grading

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/3,4[SS210]
授課教師 Teacher:林子立
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:與政治系1828課程雙掛(本課程該學系學生不得修習)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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