course information of 109 - 1 | 3196 Happy Ageing Innovation and Design(社會:樂活創意與設計)

3196 - 社會:樂活創意與設計 Happy Ageing Innovation and Design

教育目標 Course Target

台灣於2020年65歲以上老年人口比率已超過14%,2025年老年人口比例更將跨越 20%門檻,奔向超高齡社會。未來,我們將面對更多因扶養A比增加、照護人力不足、照護負擔上升等隨之而來的社會問題,因此,透過健康促進預防與延緩老化,使得高齡者能夠快樂與自主的生活,是減少社會負擔的積極解決方案。健康促進的三個基本要素為生理健康、心理健康與社會連結,其目的不只是消極的讓高齡者延緩老化,更期待能積極達到「活躍老化」的目標。然而,根據衛福部(2009)調查,高齡者因交通不便、誘因不足、資訊欠缺、文化差異、缺乏陪伴,以及服務提供者專業人力不足、缺乏經驗、經費不夠等原因,目前高齡者仍有超過5成以上缺乏足夠的運動、不到3成願意參與社區活動、且多數缺乏正確的飲食觀念或無法實踐均衡飲食生活。因此,「如何創造一個可令高齡者心動、且願意參與的支持性生活環境」,乃是全球在高齡化社會所面臨的共通性問題。 本課程核心採用服務設計思考(Service Design Thinking)帶領學生體驗以「人」為本的設計思維,並透過視覺化及架構式的發想與引導,帶領學生從不同的面向尋找新的支持性生活環境創新機會點,同時透過設計場域的轉換,進入到高齡者的生活環境與日常情境,從中發現高齡者的生活需求,並運用創新發想以設計出可滿足高齡者需求的相關各式生活支持用品,藉由業師的輔導實際提出可操作之服務設計計畫書。In 2020, the proportion of Taiwan's elderly population aged 65 and over has exceeded 14%. In 2025, the proportion of the elderly population will cross the 20% threshold and move towards a super-aged society. In the future, we will face more social problems caused by the increase in the dependency ratio, insufficient care manpower, and rising care burden. Therefore, through health promotion, prevention and delay of aging, the elderly can live a happy and independent life. It is a positive solution to reduce the burden on society. The three basic elements of health promotion are physical health, mental health and social connection. Its purpose is not only to passively delay the aging of the elderly, but also to actively achieve the goal of "active aging". However, according to a survey by the Ministry of Health and Welfare (2009), due to inconvenient transportation, insufficient incentives, lack of information, cultural differences, lack of companionship, as well as insufficient professional manpower, lack of experience, and insufficient funds among service providers, there are still more than More than 50% lack adequate exercise, less than 30% are willing to participate in community activities, and most lack correct dietary concepts or are unable to practice a balanced diet. Therefore, "how to create a supportive living environment that seniors are excited about and willing to participate in" is a common problem faced by the world in an aging society. The core of this course adopts service design thinking (Service Design Thinking) leads students to experience "people"-oriented design thinking, and through visual and architectural thinking and guidance, leads students to find new innovative opportunities for supportive living environments from different aspects, and at the same time, through the design field Transform into the living environment and daily situations of the elderly, discover the life needs of the elderly, and use innovative ideas to design various related life support products that can meet the needs of the elderly. Through the guidance of industry experts, practical suggestions Actionable service design plan.

參考書目 Reference Books

詹文男, 高雅玲, 劉中儀, 侯羽穎(2020)。不老經濟:同理新世代高齡者6大「怕」點 ╳精選40個商業實例,成功開創銀色新商機。商周。
Xie, Chunyu (2019). Small social design: From point to surface design connection, small changes can change the future of a place. Mahomes Press.
Zhan Wennan, Gao Yaling, Liu Zhongyi, Hou Yuying (2020). The Ageless Economy: The 6 major "fear" points of the new generation of senior citizens ╳Selected 40 business examples to successfully create new silver business opportunities. Shang and Zhou dynasties.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
course attendance
Observation report for the elderly
Innovative and creative product plan (group)
Innovative and creative product suitability evaluation report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/2,3,4[LAN202]
授課教師 Teacher:盧婧宜/鄭期緯
修課班級 Class:共必修2-4
選課備註 Memo:樂齡學院(USR)
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 48 人。

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