台灣已經成為高齡社會,人口結構正快速老化,這個趨勢影響社會的所有層面,包含社會活動與相關的知識。大學必須提供學生相關知識,以便未來在各行各業都必須面對這個議題。這門課程從社會學的視野剖析討論人口結構改變所產生的社會新貌,理解並分析高齡社會所衍生的各項課題,作為進階高齡社會研究的基礎知識與態度。高齡社會所面臨的不僅只是人口老化的健康問題與經濟安全議題,它同時也與家庭結構與生活型態息息相關,因此高齡化的進程將逐步帶動空間活動的調整、並促進相關產業的發展。本課程將提供學生一個全面性的圖象,以求能夠更具體掌握未來台灣必須面對的高齡社會。Taiwan has become a high society, and the population structure is aging rapidly, and this trend affects all levels of society, including social activities and related knowledge. Colleges must provide students with knowledge related to students so that this topic must be faced in all walks of life in the future. This course discusses the social new look arising from the perspective of social science, understands and analyzes the various subjects derived from high-age societies, as the basic knowledge and attitudes of advanced high-age societies. What the high-alge society faces is not only the health problems of population aging and economic and safety issues, but also closely related to family structure and lifestyle. Therefore, the high-algeability process will gradually lead to the adjustment of spatial activities and promote the development of related industries. This course will provide students with a comprehensive image to gain a more specific understanding of the high society that Taiwan must face in the future.
Editor of Ronaldinho (2009). Taiwan’s population aging problem. Taipei: Institute of Economic Research, Central Academy of Sciences.
Other books, provided in the first week of the class.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂出席及參與課堂出席及參與 Class attendance and participation |
30 | 出席率、課堂提問與互動 |
課程心得報告課程心得報告 Course experience report |
20 | 三次課程心得回饋 |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
20 | 選1~2個你最喜歡的課程主題,與銀髮族互動錄製影片2~5分鐘 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
15 | 期末課程影片回饋 |
至社區帶領活動至社區帶領活動 Lead the community activities |
15 | 小組一同至社區帶領長者活動 |