本課程將針對金錢、工作、消費、公共資源分配等議題,帶領學生探索自我與台灣社會的近代發展,以及當前社會衝突現象的社會根源。This course is set as a general social science elective course at the university. The goal is to enrich students' in-depth exploration of contemporary capitalist phenomena and self-development, and to understand the social construction implications of self- and money concepts.
The main content of this course is: taking contemporary money and market phenomena, as well as social conflicts as the starting point, starting from individual money stories, exploring self-formation, social relations, social exchange, power, class, alienation, commodification, and ideology , social conflicts and other issues.
Looking back over the past thirty years in Taiwanese society, social polarization between rich and poor, widespread lack of money, fear of uncertainty, financial bubble phenomena, and various youth impoverishment phenomena in consumer society have gradually become basic features of life in global capitalist society. In this social context, the logic of "money" and "market" has become the core logic for the government to guide the allocation of public resources. Taiwan has shifted from a market economy to a market society. The logic of money has penetrated into traditional non-market fields, as well as the ideology that affects the direction of Taiwan's social development. . At the same time, at the level of daily life, "money" and "market" have also become the action logic for people to understand "self-worth" and "dignity" and construct "social relationships", becoming the core of personal self-governance. At the same time, market-oriented values have gradually penetrated into various "non-market fields", including politics, education, medical care, religion, family and even personal daily life. Money, as a "governance" concept in the era of globalization, has also brought about more A comprehensive and in-depth social conflict.
Through course discussions, we hope to bring students the possibility of a new concept of money, and at the same time understand how individuals can re-understand the relationship between money, self, and society in the era of high capitalism.
This course will focus on issues such as money, work, consumption, and allocation of public resources, leading students to explore themselves and the modern development of Taiwanese society, as well as the social roots of current social conflicts.
Ferguson, Nail著,杜默譯,2009,《貨幣崛起:金融資本如何改變世界歷史及其未來之路》。台北:麥田出版。
Simmel, Georg著,顧仁明譯,2000,《金錢、性別、現代生活風格》。上海:學林出版社。
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2004,《金錢的社會意義》,陳難能譯,台北:正中出版。
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2009,《親密關係的購買》,姚偉、劉永強譯,上海:上海人民出版。
Ferguson, Nail, translated by Du Mo, 2009, "The Rise of Money: How Financial Capital Changes World History and Its Future." Taipei: Wheatfield Publishing.
Simmel, Georg, translated by Gu Renming, 2000, "Money, Gender, Modern Life Style". Shanghai: Xuelin Publishing House.
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2004, "The Social Meaning of Money", translated by Chen Nanneng, Taipei: Zhengzhong Publishing.
Zelizer, Viviana A. 2009, "The Purchase of Intimacy", translated by Yao Wei and Liu Yongqiang, Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
平時成績平時成績 usual results |
30 | 出席、課堂參與討論、依照議題臨時分組。 |
期中作業期中作業 midterm assignment |
30 | 自我的金錢價值觀剖析,以日常生活的社會觀察為例。 |
期末作業期末作業 final assignment |
40 | 以本課程的架構,討論全球金錢衝突的文化現象。 |