course information of 109 - 1 | 3039 Keep it modern- Exploration of(人文:保存現代-東海大學校園與建築的探索)

3039 - 人文:保存現代-東海大學校園與建築的探索 Keep it modern- Exploration of

教育目標 Course Target

東海大學早期建築的主要設計者為貝聿鉻、陳其寬和張肇康先生,他們都是從小接受中國傳統文化薰陶,後來赴美接受西方現代主義建築教育的華人建築師,並且成為中國建築現代化的先驅。東海大學的校園建築也被喻為保存現代建築的典範,目前東海有64棟建築被列冊為文化資產,還不包括被列為國定古蹟的路思義教堂、市定古蹟畢聿斯鐘塔、市定歷史建築的舊藝術中心和衛理樓,因為這批建築群落仍然被強度使用,而建築狀況大都保存良好,雖然近三十年東海大學擴大招生,卻沒有改變創校時的規劃格局。本課程將對東海大學的創校理想性概念如何落實到校園空間與建築中,我們一同探訪,尋找中國建築現代化在東海的呈現。我們將參觀校園與各棟建築,實質體驗這個厚積而薄發的東海精神,從過去到現在,如何延續與演繹、傳承與創新。The main designers of the early buildings of Donghai University were Be Yuhu, Chen Qihua and Mr. Zhang Zhaokang. They were both Chinese architects who were influenced by Chinese traditional culture since childhood and later went to the United States to receive Western modernist architecture education, and became the pioneers of China's modernization of architecture. The campus buildings of Donghai University are also known as the classics for preserving modern buildings. Currently, 64 buildings in Donghai are listed as cultural assets, not including the Lusi Church, the Lushi Temple, the Borze Tower of the City Ding Ancient Stone, the Old Art Center and the Main Building of the City Ding Historical Stone, because these buildings are still used with great strength, and most of the buildings are well preserved. Although Donghai University has expanded its enrollment in the past 30 years, the planning pattern of the school was not changed. This course will introduce how the concept of creative ideals of Donghai University can be implemented into campus space and buildings. We will visit together to find the presentation of the modernization of Chinese architecture in Donghai. We will visit the campus and various buildings to experience this thick and thin Donghai spirit, and from the past to the present, how to continue to develop, inherit and innovate.

參考書目 Reference Books

1.東海校園建築步道 貓頭鷹出版社 2002
2.東海風 東海大學創校四十週年特刊 東海大學出版社1995
3.虛擬校史館 東海大學圖書館

1. Donghai Campus Architectural Trail Cat Head Publishing House 2002
2. Donghaifeng Donghai University Creation School Special Issue Donghai University Publishing House 1995
3. Virtual School History Museum Donghai University Library

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Final report and release
60 分組選擇一區(棟) 建築作詳細報導,包括歷史及建築特色,並編輯集成一本A5(21*13) 的書刊作為對校園空間的介紹,並在期末完成發表
Class discussion
20 閱讀資料作討論。
20 不作名字點名,每課結束前十分鐘會出一至二題相關討論主題作簡答,確定同學了解內容,也作為出席依據。

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/8,9[C215]
授課教師 Teacher:彭康健
修課班級 Class:共必修1-4
選課備註 Memo:建築系不得選修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 35 人。

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