普魯斯特的《追憶似水年華》與喬哀斯的《尤里西斯》被喻為關閉十九世紀作品的大門,並開啟二十世紀藝術思想的兩部關鍵之作。他們藉由作品呈顯出世界即將從典範到非典型、從體系轉往流變、從主體通向他者思想的思想轉折,並深刻地影響了當代思潮的構成。此二作品作為認識當代文明不可或缺的拼圖兩角,其幽靈纏祟在柏格森、班雅明、梅洛龐蒂、布朗肖、傅柯、德勒茲、儂西、洪席耶等人的思想中。本課程聚焦於普魯斯特《追憶似水年華》中作品與愛情的關係,分析其美學思想與創作論述,並以此為奠基,建造通往二十一世紀美學的新甬道。Pruster's "Chasing the Years of the Water" and Joès' "Ulysses" are known as the two key works that close the works of the 19th century and open up the artistic thoughts of the 20th century. Through their works, they show that the world is about to turn from the classical to the atypical, from the system to the flow, from the subject to the other's thought, and profoundly affects the structure of contemporary thought. These two works are both indispensable pieces for understanding contemporary civilization, and their ghosts are in Bergson, Banyamin, Melodie, Bronshaw, Furco, Delez, Jensen, Hunsier and others. in the mind. This course focuses on the relationship between works and love in Proust's "Chasing the Memories Like the Water", analyzes his aesthetic thoughts and creative statements, and uses them as the foundation to build a new corridor to aesthetics in the 21st century.
Proust, Marcel(1987). A la recherche du temps perdu I, Paris : Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
Proust, Marcel (1987). A la recherche du temps perdu I, Paris: Gallimard, Bibliothèque de la Pléiade.
Proust (2001). "Chasing the Memories Like the Water". 1. Translated by Xu Hexiu, Zhou Guoqiang and others, Taipei: Union.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
課堂參與課堂參與 Class Participation |
50 | 課堂參與度(包含討論、提問與回應)25% 作品導讀25% |
期中報告期中報告 Midterm Report |
25 | 書面報告 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
25 | 書面報告 |