The course objectives are via the introduction to Taiwan history, culture, industry and productions, folk believes, historical events...etc., for the personal identity.Let students systematically understand Taiwan through the development and cultural connotation, industrial characteristics, folk beliefs, historical events, etc.
The course objectives are via the introduction to Taiwan history, culture, industry and productions, folk believes, historical events...etc., for the personal identity.
1.Stephen Keeling and Brice Minnigh “The Rough Guide to Taiwan”
2.Leonard Blusse, Natalie Everts & Evelien Freech “The Formosan Encounter”順益台灣原住民博物館
3.Tonio Andrade 歐陽泰箸“The Rise and Fall of Dutch Taiwan, 1624-1662: Cooperative Colonization and the Statist Model of European Expansion”
4.John Ross, “Formosan Odyssey Taiwan, Past and Present”來來圖書有限公司
1.Stephen Keeling and Brice Minnigh “The Rough Guide to Taiwan”
2.Leonard Blusse, Natalie Everts & Evelien Freech “The Formosan Encounter” is a Taiwanese Aboriginal Museum
3. Tonio Andrade "The Rise and Fall of Dutch Taiwan, 1624-1662: Cooperative Colonization and the Statist Model of European Expansion"
4. John Ross, “Formosan Odyssey Taiwan, Past and Present” Comes to Books Co., Ltd.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
出席+課堂表現 present出席+課堂表現 present Attendance + class presentation |
40 | include some quiz in classroom |
Mid examMid exam mid exam |
30 | field trip report |
期末考 Final exam期末考 Final exam Final exam |
30 |