course information of 109 - 1 | 2728 General Principles on Commercial Law &(商事法總論及公司法)

2728 - 商事法總論及公司法 General Principles on Commercial Law &

教育目標 Course Target

公司是一般最常見的企業組織,且在經濟活動中扮演不可或缺的角色,因此從公司設立、組織運作、企業籌資、組織變更、解散等在公司法中均詳為規範,本課程透過理論介紹與案例分析,使同學對公司法制有基本的瞭解並具有解決公司法相關案例之能力。從大一開始的民事法多以自然人為中心,討論自然人為主體的各項法律關係,但由現今社會各項交易來看,法人所作成的交易金額遠大於自然人,而法人當中又以公司為各項交易大宗。惟對公司法初學者而言,由於未擔任過公司股東,也無參與公司組織運作的經驗,因此對公司法制較為陌生,本課程希望同學們能將自己設定為股東、公司董事、經理人的角色來學習公司法,如此始能真正瞭解公司法制並具有解決公司法相關案例之能力。A company is the most common corporate organization and plays an indispensable role in economic activities. Therefore, company establishment, organizational operations, corporate financing, organizational changes, dissolution, etc. are all regulated in company law. This course uses theory Introduction and case analysis enable students to have a basic understanding of corporate legal systems and the ability to solve corporate law-related cases. Starting from the first year of college, civil law mostly focuses on natural persons and discusses various legal relationships in which natural persons are the main subjects. However, judging from various transactions in today's society, the amount of transactions made by legal persons is much larger than that of natural persons, and among legal persons, companies are the main body. Various transactions in bulk. However, for beginners of corporate law, since they have never served as a shareholder of a company and have no experience in participating in the operation of a company's organization, they are relatively unfamiliar with the company's legal system. This course hopes that students can set themselves up as shareholders, company directors, and managers. Learn corporate law through the role of the company, so that you can truly understand the corporate legal system and have the ability to solve corporate law-related cases.

參考書目 Reference Books

Liu Lianyu, Modern Company Law, 15th edition, expected to be published in September 2020, Xinxuelin Publishing House.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
30 課程參與(觀看非同步之授課影片、平時作業及實體上課之參與)
interim report
40 分組就自授課老師指定之案例進行報告
Final report
30 分組就報告題目撰寫成書面報告

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相似課程 Related Course

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必修-8515 General Principles on Commercial Law & / 商事法總論及公司法 (法律系4,授課教師:林俊杰,三/10,11,12[AG203])

Course Information


學分 Credit:3-0
上課時間 Course Time:Friday/2,3,4[C112]
授課教師 Teacher:江朝聖
修課班級 Class:法律系3B
選課備註 Memo:遠距課程
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

選課狀態 Attendance

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目前選課人數為 68 人。

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