course information of 109 - 1 | 2630 Landscape Design Studio (I): Sophomore(景觀設計(一))

2630 - 景觀設計(一) Landscape Design Studio (I): Sophomore

教育目標 Course Target

設計思考是二年級設計課程的核心,分為邏輯性思考與創造性思考,邏輯性思考的訓練是希望同學能夠建立自己作品的論述邏輯,創造性思考是希望同學培養水平思考的能力,具備多種視角與聯想力,前者重點在收斂思考後者為發散思考。此外有系統的觀察與分析環境是專業能力上的培養重點,此部分又分為環境系統分析與行為觀察兩部分,環境系統分析著重在環境實質構成元素動態變化過程的了解,及其對設計的影響,行為觀察則是了解空間如何被使用,呈現何種體驗。最後,經由設計思考所產生的概念落實在空間中則是最關鍵的能力。 Design thinking is the core of the second-year design course, divided into logical thinking and creative thinking. The training of logical thinking is to hope that students can establish a logical interpretation of their own works. Creative thinking is to hope that students can cultivate their ability to think at a high level and have a variety of perspectives and The former focuses on thinking and the latter is to scatter thinking. In addition, the system's observation and analysis of the environment are the focus of cultivation in professional capabilities. This part is divided into two parts: environmental system analysis and behavioral observation. Environmental system analysis focuses on understanding the dynamic changes of environmental material structure elements and its design Influence, behavioral observation is to understand how space is used and what kind of experience it presents. Finally, the concepts generated by design thinking are the most important capabilities in space.

課程概述 Course Description

「大二景觀設計」,係為期一年的課程,上、下二學期〈即分別為“景觀設計一”和“景觀設計二”〉各佔4學分。 要修讀本課,必須先修過大一的基本設計。在本系有關景觀設計系列課程之規劃架構中,同學應該在大一基本設計,先學習對環境設計元素之基本認知與探索。當進入大二景觀設計之後,各個階段訓練重點,亦必須相對地向前推進,思考層次也需要變得較廣、較深,藉此來逐步加強學生之專業知識與能力。 「大二景觀設計」課程之階段任務〈課程內容〉,主要為: 1.讓學生瞭解在作一個景觀設計案時,需要考慮那些條件?如何進行?亦即,學生在大二階段,必須養成對「設計流程」(design process)之基本概念。 2.在執行「設計流程」中,讓學生學習如何界定和處理複雜的環境設計問題,並研擬出對環境和使用者均有助益的設計對策,進而能發展出良好的基地配置及細部設計。 3.在設計技能方面,讓學生學習如何整合他們在大二修讀全部課程之所學者,作好進入大三進階課程之準備。
"Soul Landscape Design" is a one-year course, with 4 points in the first and second grades (i.e., "Scenery Design One" and "Scenery Design Two" respectively). To study this course, you must first learn the basic design of your freshman year. In the planning structure of this department's series of courses on landscape design, students should first learn the basic knowledge and exploration of environmental design elements in their freshman year. After entering the sophomore landscape design, the training points of each stage must also be pushed forward in a relatively large and deep manner, so as to gradually strengthen students' professional knowledge and abilities. The semi-department of the course "Soul Landscape Design" is mainly: 1. Let students understand what conditions need to be considered when making a landscape design? How to do it? That is, students must develop the basic concept of the design process in their sophomore year. 2. In the implementation of the "Design Process", students can learn how to define and deal with complex environment design problems, and develop design solutions that are helpful to the environment and users, so as to develop good base configuration and detailed design. 3. In terms of design skills, students can learn how to integrate the students in their sophomore study and prepare for entering the junior year's advanced course.

參考書目 Reference Books


1. C.A.Missimer著,蔡偉鼎譯,2002,批判思考導論:如何精進論辯,學富文化。
2. Michael Kallet著,游卉庭譯,2015,思辨的檢查:有效解決問題的終生思考優化法則,大寫出版社。

1. Edward de Bono著,許瑞宋譯,2015,打開狄波諾的思考工具箱,時報出版社。
2. Robert Fritz著,陳榮彬譯,2015,最小阻力之路,大寫出版社。
3. Tim Brown著,吳莉君譯,2010,設計思考改變世界,聯經出版社。

1. Kevin Lynch, Gary Hack著,張效通譯,1984,敷地計畫,六合出版社。
2. James A. LaGro, Jr.著;顏麗蓉,王偉譯,2006,基地分析:在土地規劃及設計過程中串連計畫與設計構想,台北:六合出版社。
3. Edward T. White 著;顏麗蓉, 張俊賢譯,1995,基地分析:用於建築設計的圖象資料,台北六合出版社。

1. Gooding, Julia/ Metz, Bill, 2006, Inquiry by Design, Resedog Press.
2. Jan Chipchase, Simon Steinhardt著,洪世民譯,觀察的力量,寶鼎出版社。
3. Anne Mikoleit、Moritz Purckhauer著,洪世民譯,城市密碼:觀察城市的100個場景,行人出版社。
4. 亞歷山大,1994,建築模式語彙,六和出版社。

1. 黑川雅之著,李柏黎譯,2019,八個日本的美學意識,雄獅美術。
2. 清水泰博著,黃怡筠譯,2015,意‧象‧京都:12個關鍵字帶你感受京都的空間設計,蔚藍文化。

Design thinking is the core of the second-year design course, divided into logical thinking and creative thinking. The training of logical thinking is to hope that students can establish a logical interpretation of their own works. Creative thinking is to hope that students can cultivate their ability to think at a high level and have a variety of perspectives and The former focuses on thinking and the latter is to scatter thinking.
In addition, the system's observation and analysis of the environment are the focus of cultivation in professional capabilities. This part is divided into two parts: environmental system analysis and behavioral observation. Environmental system analysis focuses on understanding the dynamic changes of environmental material structure elements and its design Influence, behavioral observation is to understand how space is used and what kind of experience it presents.
Finally, the concepts generated by design thinking are the most important capabilities in space. To this end, I have provided reference books in these five major directions, and hope that students can read as much as possible to enhance their abilities.

1. Logical thinking
1. C.A. Missimer, Cai Weidinglu, 2002, Critical Thinking Discussion: How to improve discussion and learn to enrich culture.
2. Michael Kallet, You Huiting, 2015, Speculative Inspection: The End-Thinking Optimization Method for Effective Solutions to Questions, University Press.

2. Creative thinking
1. Edward de Bono, Xu Rui Songlu, 2015, Open Deborah's Thinking Toolbox, Times Press.
2. by Robert Fritz, Chen Rongbin, 2015, The Road to Minimum Resistance, University Press.
3. Tim Brown, translated by Wu Lijun, 2010, Design and Thinking to Change the World, Joint Press.
4. National Taiwan University Innovation Design Institute, 2017, Lu Qi's design thinking tool book, Taipei: Taiwan University.

3. Environmental system analysis
1. Kevin Lynch, Gary Hack, Zhang Xiaotonglu, 1984, Fu Di Project, Liuhe Publishing House.
2. James A. LaGro, Jr.; Yan Lirong, Wang Weilu, 2006, Base Analysis: Connecting Planning and Design In the Process of Land Planning and Design, Taipei: Liuhe Publishing House.
3. Edward T. White; Yan Lirong, Zhang Junxian, 1995, Base Analysis: Image Data for Architectural Design, Taipei Liuhe Publishing House.

4. Behavior observation
1. Gooding, Julia/ Metz, Bill, 2006, Inquiry by Design, Resedog Press.
2. Jan Chipchase, Simon Steinhardt, translated by Hong Shimin, the power of observation, Baoding Publishing House.
3. by Anne Mikoleit, Moritz Purckhauer, translated by Hong Shimin, City Password: Viewing 100 scenes of the city, Pedestrian Publishing House.
4. Yashan University, 1994, Architectural Model Language, Liuhe Publishing House.

5. Concept spaceization
1. Written by Masaki Kurokawa, Li Baili Lu, 2019, Eight Japanese aesthetic ideas, Lion art.
2. Written by Taibo Shimizu, translated by Huang Yijun, 2015, Ideas‧Elephant‧Kyoto: 12 keywords will take you to experience Kyoto’s space design, blue culture.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Three design topics
Regular achievements

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Course Information


學分 Credit:4-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10[LA001]
授課教師 Teacher:陳昭志/何立智/蘇孟宗/柯秀鳳/蔡炎奇/徐玉姈
修課班級 Class:景觀系2
選課備註 Memo:基本設計不及格者不得修習
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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