course information of 109 - 1 | 2625 History of Landscape Architecture(景觀史)

2625 - 景觀史 History of Landscape Architecture

教育目標 Course Target

邁入二十一世紀已經二十年,不論是國族主義式的領土文化觀念,或是將設計作為「成品」(product)的風格分類學和型態演化史,都已不再能夠滿足我們的需求。無論是從社會勞動的底層、政治文化的上層,乃至於氣候環境的包被滋養,這些生產與再生產的「過程」(process)都是我們好奇探索的對象。這一門單一學期兩學分的課,嘗試在時間的進程中進行一些空間的跳躍和思想的冒險,提出地理的空間模式與歷史的因果關係。課程的目的是希望能夠提供設計學習者一些談論歷史和環境的基本語彙,以及參與世界創造的不同方法;也嘗試整理出人類與環境之間的關係,它們如何體現成為建成形式,又如何進一步影響「非人類」環境(non-human environment,也就是所謂的自然)的演變?這些基本短暫的探索,希望能夠作為不斷發展變化的世界中的備忘錄,以及參與未來創造的參考準則。 我們平日所接觸的環境,絕大多數受到人類行為的影響,有些是刻意的,有些是無意的,然而只有極少部分出自設計的圖桌。我們的山海、城市、村落,經常是各種可見和不可見的力量交流下所共同塑造。我們應該如何看待地景,作為生物與公民,作為創作者與居民,同時在不同身份之間轉換?設計師又如何悠遊於各種範疇和領域之間,從個人、社區、城市,乃至於領域和地球村?時間是歷史的度量,人類則是劇本的創作者,也是地理空間中的演員。各種人、事、物在其中攪拌旋轉,有時候我們只能抓住一些頭緒,有時候我們可以談論其中的來龍去脈。Twenty years into the 21st century, neither the nationalistic concept of territorial culture nor the style taxonomy and form evolution history that regards design as a "finished product" can no longer satisfy us. needs. Whether it is from the bottom of social labor, the upper level of politics and culture, or even the nourishment of climate and environment, these "processes" of production and reproduction are the objects of our curious exploration. This two-credit course in a single semester attempts to make some spatial jumps and ideological adventures in the course of time, and proposes the causal relationship between geographical spatial patterns and history. The purpose of the course is to provide design learners with some basic vocabulary to talk about history and environment, as well as different ways to participate in world creation; it also attempts to sort out the relationship between humans and the environment, how they are reflected in built forms, and how they further influence The evolution of the “non-human” environment (also known as nature)? These basically short-term explorations hope to serve as a memorandum in the ever-evolving and changing world, as well as a reference guideline for participating in future creation. The environment we come into contact with on a daily basis is mostly affected by human behavior, some of which are intentional and some of which are unintentional. However, only a very small part of it comes from the design. Our mountains, seas, cities, and villages are often shaped by the exchange of various visible and invisible forces. How should we think about landscapes, as creatures and citizens, as creators and inhabitants, shifting between different identities at the same time? How do designers move between various categories and fields, from individuals, communities, cities, to fields and the global village? Time is the measure of history, and humans are the creators of scripts and actors in geographical space. All kinds of people, things, and things are stirring and rotating in it. Sometimes we can only grasp some clues, and sometimes we can talk about the ins and outs of it.

課程概述 Course Description

在景觀建築的領域中,所有現在或者是過去出現的景觀物,例如埃及的金字塔、法國的凡爾賽宮、紐約的中央公園、蘇州的拙政園、板橋的林家花園或者是台北的中正紀念堂、大安森林公園等,它們的出現都各自反應出其所處不同的時代、地區、文化、以及當時的生活方式與價值觀。我們可以肯定的說,任何一個景觀物都是在非常特定而細微的時間與空間場所組合下的產物。也因為如此,使得每一件景觀物都是獨一無二的。當我們在看待這些景觀物,除了審視其造型、欣賞其美感之外,更重要的是去了解那個造就了他們的原因。因為那才是真正創造出我們所見環境事物的原動力,也是景觀建築師們培養創造力的起點。 景觀史最重要的授課目的是能從過去許多實例中了解到種種美好而有意義的景觀事物,它們逐漸演變成形的過程與背景。這種了解將有助於景觀建築師擴展其閱讀地景的基礎能力,並且在各類規劃與設計的過程中作出正確而適切的決定。 課程內容涵蓋庭園概念的起源、古代與中古時期歐洲庭園、伊斯蘭庭園、義大利庭園、法國庭園、英國庭園、美國近代景觀與重要設計理論、日本庭園、中國庭園、現代台灣景觀等內容。
In the field of landscape architecture, all landscapes that appear now or in the past, such as the pyramids in Egypt, the Palace of Versailles in France, Central Park in New York, the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou, the Lin Family Garden in Banqiao, or the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei, Daan Forest Park, etc., their appearance each reflects the different times, regions, cultures, and lifestyles and values ​​of the time. We can say with certainty that any landscape is the product of a very specific and subtle combination of time and space. Because of this, every landscape is unique. When we look at these landscapes, in addition to examining their shapes and appreciating their beauty, it is more important to understand the reasons that created them. Because that is what truly creates the things we see in our environment, and it is also the starting point for landscape architects to cultivate their creativity. The most important purpose of teaching landscape history is to learn about various beautiful and meaningful landscape things from many examples in the past, and the process and background of their gradual evolution. This understanding will help landscape architects expand their basic ability to read the landscape and make correct and appropriate decisions in various planning and design processes. The course content covers the origin of the garden concept, European gardens in ancient and medieval times, Islamic gardens, Italian gardens, French gardens, British gardens, modern American landscapes and important design theories, Japanese gardens, Chinese gardens, modern Taiwanese landscapes, etc.

參考書目 Reference Books

指定閱讀(Required reading)
Christophe Girot, The Course of Landscape Architecture (Thames & Hudson, 2016)
Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of Nature (1999) (中譯:文明的力量:人與自然的創意關係)
景觀建築史數位圖書館(DiLiLAH: Digital Library of Landscape Architecture History)

其他參考書籍(Recommended References)
地景建築 Landscape Architecture
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Landscape Design: A Cultural and Architectural History (2001).
Monique Mosser and Georges Teyssot, eds. The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day (1991).
Michael Leslie and John Dixon Hunt, eds. A Cultural History of Gardens v.1 - v.6 (2013).
Geoffrey Jellicoe, The Landscape of Man: Shaping the Environment from Prehistory to the Present Day (1970 / 1995)(中譯:圖解人類景觀,田園城市出版社)
Gina Crandell, Tree Gardens: Architecture and Forest (2013)
Charles Moore etc., The Poetics of Gardens (1988)
Patrick Taylor ed., The Oxford Companion to the Garden (2005)
John Dixon Hunt, Garden and the Picturesque (1992)
Caroline Constant, The Modern Architectural Landscape (2012)
Marc Treib ed., Modern Landscape Architecture: A Critical Review (1993)
Peter Walker and Melanie Simo, Invisible Gardens: The Search for Modernism in the American Landscape (1994)
Robert Pogue Harrison, Gardens: An Essay on the Human Condition (2008)(中譯:蘇薇星,花園:談人之為人,三聯書店)

褚瑞基,《建築的歷程》 (2001)。
褚瑞基,《讀建築,寫建築-建築文學,文學建築》 (2000)。
Mark Jarzombek, Vikramaditya Prakash and Francis D. K. Ching, Global History of Architecture (2006/2010)
Edward Curtis, Modern Architecture Since 1900 [3rd edition] (1996)
Diane Ghirardo, Architecture After Modernism (1996) (中譯:現代主義以後的建築)

H. W. Janson, History of Art (6th ed., 2007)(曾堉譯,西洋藝術史[1984])
E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art, 16th edition (1995)(雨云譯,藝術的故事)
Hal Foster, Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism (2005)

Lewis Mumford, The City in History (1960) (中
Required reading
Christophe Girot, The Course of Landscape Architecture (Thames & Hudson, 2016)
Felipe Fernández-Armesto, Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of Nature (1999) (Chinese translation: The Power of Civilization: The Creative Relationship between Man and Nature)
DiLiLAH: Digital Library of Landscape Architecture History
Website: http://www.gardentaining.com/dililah/

Other reference books (Recommended References)
Landscape Architecture
Elizabeth Barlow Rogers, Landscape Design: A Cultural and Architectural History (2001).
Monique Mosser and Georges Teyssot, eds. The Architecture of Western Gardens: A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day (1991).
Michael Leslie and John Dixon Hunt, eds. A Cultural History of Gardens v.1 - v.6 (2013).
Geoffrey Jellicoe, The Landscape of Man: Shaping the Environment from Prehistory to the Present Day (1970 / 1995) (Chinese translation: Illustrating the Human Landscape, Garden City Press)
Gina Crandell, Tree Gardens: Architecture and Forest (2013)
Charles Moore etc., The Poetics of Gardens (1988)
Patrick Taylor ed., The Oxford Companion to the Garden (2005)
John Dixon Hunt, Garden and the Picturesque (1992)
Caroline Constant, The Modern Architectural Landscape (2012)
Marc Treib ed., Modern Landscape Architecture: A Critical Review (1993)
Peter Walker and Melanie Simo, Invisible Gardens: The Search for Modernism in the American Landscape (1994)
Robert Pogue Harrison, Gardens: An Essay on the Human Condition (2008) (Chinese translation: Su Weixing, Gardens: Talking about Humanity, Sanlian Bookstore)

Architectural History
Chu Ruiji, "The Process of Architecture" (2001).
Chu Ruiji, "Reading Architecture, Writing Architecture - Architectural Literature, Literary Architecture" (2000).
Mark Jarzombek, Vikramaditya Prakash and Francis D. K. Ching, Global History of Architecture (2006/2010)
Edward Curtis, Modern Architecture Since 1900 [3rd edition] (1996)
Diane Ghirardo, Architecture After Modernism (1996) (Chinese translation: Architecture After Modernism)

History of Western Art
H. W. Janson, History of Art (6th ed., 2007) (translated by Zeng Yu, History of Western Art [1984])
E.H. Gombrich, The Story of Art, 16th edition (1995) (translated by Yuyun, The Story of Art)
Hal Foster, Art Since 1900: Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism (2005)

Urban History
Lewis Mumford, The City in History (1960) (Chinese

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class participation (attendance and discussion)
midterm test
final exam
First term semester report
Second phase semester report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Monday/6,7[C214]
授課教師 Teacher:蘇孟宗
修課班級 Class:景觀系1
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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