本課程為引領景觀系大一新生進入景觀專業領域的入門課程,目的在藉由對景觀專業的系統性介紹,使學生對未來四年的景觀教育,乃至景觀專業的生涯有一明晰的架構,並依據景觀系課程學習地圖,針對未來四年的專業課程架構與課程關連性進行說明,期能使同學依據課程脈絡按部就班學習,逐步累積專業知能。復由於景觀專業知能內容龐雜,遠非四年課程所能涵括,因此期藉由本課程內容,提醒同學在學習歷程中,評估個人特質及興趣,尋找屬於自己的重點學習項目,並為景觀專業的終生學習奠定基礎。其次,由於景觀專業的高度科際整合特性與實務操作上協同合作的必要性,作為一位「景觀人」,需要培養景觀專業的倫理觀、價值觀、專業態度、責任感與使命感,找尋自己在景觀專業分工中的角色與定位。This course is an introductory course for freshmen of the Landscape Department to enter the landscape professional field. The purpose is to provide students with a clear structure for their landscape education in the next four years and even their careers in the landscape profession through a systematic introduction to the landscape profession. According to the curriculum learning map of the Department of Landscape, the professional course structure and course correlations in the next four years are explained, hoping to enable students to study step by step according to the course context and gradually accumulate professional knowledge. Since the knowledge content of the landscape major is complex and far beyond what a four-year course can cover, this course content reminds students to evaluate their personal characteristics and interests during the learning process, find their own key learning projects, and prepare them for the landscape major. lay the foundation for lifelong learning. Secondly, due to the highly interdisciplinary integration characteristics of the landscape profession and the necessity of collaborative cooperation in practical operations, as a "landscape person", one needs to cultivate the ethics, values, professional attitudes, sense of responsibility and mission of the landscape profession, and find oneself in the world. The role and positioning in the landscape professional division of labor.
This course is a required course for freshmen in the first semester and is an introductory introduction to landscape majors. The whole course is divided into four stages as follows:
<1> Landscape definition and interpretation of landscape elements.
<2> Introduction to landscape profession.
<3> Landscape education at home and abroad.
<4> Landscape design and landscape planning.
1.如何看-人為環境閱讀導引手冊 George Nelson著 胡致薇等譯 尚林出版社
2.物生物-現代設計理念 Da Cosa Nasce Cosa BRUNO MUNARI 博遠出版社
3.Landscape Architecture: Guidelines to Professional Practice Lane L. Marshell ASLA
4.人類環境中的創造過程 Lawrence Halprin著 王錦堂譯 臺隆書局
5.The Meaning of the Built Environment Amos Rapoport SAGE Publications, Inc
6.Human Aspects of Urban Form: Towards a Man-Environment Approach to Urban Form and Design
Amos Rapoport Pergamon Press
7.A systems view of planning George Chadwick Pergamon Press
1. How to see-Man-made Environment Reading Guide, written by George Nelson, translated by Hu Zhiwei and others, Shanglin Publishing House
2. Creatures-Modern Design Concept Da Cosa Nasce Cosa BRUNO MUNARI Boyuan Publishing House
3.Landscape Architecture: Guidelines to Professional Practice Lane L. Marshell ASLA
4. The Creative Process in the Human Environment Written by Lawrence Halprin Translated by Wang Jintang Tailong Book Company
5.The Meaning of the Built Environment Amos Rapoport SAGE Publications, Inc
6.Human Aspects of Urban Form: Towards a Man-Environment Approach to Urban Form and Design
Amos Rapoport Pergamon Press
7.A systems view of planning George Chadwick Pergamon Press
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 interim report |
30 | 報告的成績取決於內容的深度、廣度與觀念論述的方式 |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | 報告的成績取決於內容的深度、廣度與觀念論述的方式 |
課堂出席率課堂出席率 class attendance |
30 | 以榮譽簽名制代替點名,依出席次數計分 |
課程參與程度課程參與程度 course participation |
10 | 對課堂上教師提出問題的回應,不論對錯均予加分鼓勵 |