course information of 109 - 1 | 2623 Landscape Plants(景觀植物學)

2623 - 景觀植物學 Landscape Plants

教育目標 Course Target

本課程乃景觀系基礎課程之一,自學生一年級進入本系後,即開始訓練學生認識、瞭解戶外空間常用之觀賞植物,並介紹一般植物材料特性以及其應用,並配合課堂之講演,及每周戶外的教學活動,實際引導學生進入學習的情境,進而促進學生對景觀植物學有效的學習。俾建立學生於日後進入「景觀設計」、「植栽設計」等課程時,於植物選種及配置之能力。This course is one of the basic courses of the Landscape Department. After students enter the department in the first year, students will be trained to recognize and understand ornamental plants commonly used in outdoor spaces, and introduce the characteristics of general plant materials and their applications, and cooperate with classroom lectures, and Weekly outdoor teaching activities actually guide students into learning situations, thereby promoting students' effective learning of landscape botany. In order to build students' ability in plant selection and arrangement when they enter courses such as "Landscape Design" and "Planting Design" in the future.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程乃景觀系植栽系列課程之一,自學生一年級進入本系後,即開始訓練學生認識、瞭解戶外景觀常用之觀賞植物,及其應用,以建立學生於日後進入「景觀設計」、「植栽設計」等課程時,於植物選種及配置之能力。 1.觀賞植物外觀型態(花、葉、果、幹、枝、根等之細部與整體 - 株高、樹型、質感等)之辨識。 2.觀賞植物生育環境(對溫度、日照、土壤、風、鹽、污染物等)之瞭解。 3.觀賞植物之應用(如做行道樹、綠籬、遮陰樹、優型樹、地被、擋風林、遮蔽林等)。 4.觀賞植物之特色(觀賞特性如花、果、樹型、枝條、及其氣味,以及誘蝶、誘鳥,經濟利用與毒性等)。 5.觀賞植物之生長習性(喬木、灌木、藤蔓,壽命,常綠、落葉,原生育地等)。
This course is one of the planting series courses of the Department of Landscape. After students enter this department in the first year, students will be trained to recognize and understand the ornamental plants commonly used in outdoor landscapes and their applications, so as to prepare students for future entry into "landscape design" and "landscape design". Ability to select and arrange plants during courses such as "Planting Design". 1. Identification of the appearance of ornamental plants (details and overall appearance of flowers, leaves, fruits, trunks, branches, roots, etc. - plant height, tree shape, texture, etc.). 2. Understanding of the growth environment of ornamental plants (temperature, sunshine, soil, wind, salt, pollutants, etc.). 3. Application of ornamental plants (such as street trees, hedges, shade trees, superior trees, ground cover, windbreak forest, shelter forest, etc.). 4. Characteristics of ornamental plants (ornamental characteristics such as flowers, fruits, tree shapes, branches, and their smell, as well as attracting butterflies and birds, economic utilization and toxicity, etc.). 5. Growth habits of ornamental plants (trees, shrubs, vines, longevity, evergreen, deciduous, original birthplace, etc.).

參考書目 Reference Books

教 材:

Zhang Jinyu writes, Illustrated Guide to Appreciating Landscape Trees, Illustrated Guide to Appreciating Landscape Trees and Flowers, and Illustrated Guide to Appreciating Landscape Shrubs and Vines, published by Morning Star.
Co-authored by Lin Xinhui, Zhang Jihao and Chen Yichang, Illustrated Planting Project, Wunan Publishing House
Main reference books:
Landscape Botany (1)-(6) Volumes (written by Zhang Jinyu), published by Shuxin.
Zhang Jinyu's book, Fruit Appreciation on Street Trees in Taiwan, Tree Appreciation Types, Leaf Appreciation, Flower Appreciation, Field Images.
Zhang Jinyu, Indoor Ornamental Plants, published by Shuxin.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
45 每二~三週考植物實體或照片
midterm exam
final exam
Homework results
Teaching assistant’s daily results and roll call
10 小組作業採集每周認植物實體貼於系館圖板

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Course Information


學分 Credit:3-3
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/8,9,10[HT108] Wednesday/6,7[景觀系館]
授課教師 Teacher:張集豪
修課班級 Class:景觀系1
選課備註 Memo:可與植栽設計並修;未修本課程不得修習植栽設計
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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