course information of 109 - 1 | 2588 Thesis Project(專題設計)

2588 - 專題設計 Thesis Project

教育目標 Course Target

此課題為更廣面探索設計哲理之意涵,此課堂較多理論面及形而上學的思考,進而對人類及設計的存在具更深層的見解。從物種起源、物體形成、人類心理、環境因素、思考物品的價值觀、及未來趨勢等不同角度切入去探討設計存在的本質。其目的在於藉由更廣的領域去拓展思緒,並且鼓勵彼此分享討論,並習慣以口說提出假設、在討論中相互學習。1. 配合 Seminar(議題討論)的方式,以更廣泛的層面(社會、心理、哲學)去詮釋思考設計的存在。 2. 從全班課題討論中激盪想法,並研讀國內外書籍及論文、蒐集資料及文獻探討。 3. 分析、理解、綜合探討能力,並練習導出結論。This topic is a broader exploration of the meaning of design philosophy. This class involves more theoretical and metaphysical thinking, thereby gaining deeper insights into the existence of human beings and design. Explore the essence of design existence from different perspectives such as the origin of species, the formation of objects, human psychology, environmental factors, the values ​​​​of thinking about objects, and future trends. The purpose is to expand ideas through a wider field, and encourage each other to share and discuss, and get used to putting forward hypotheses orally, and learn from each other during discussions. 1. Use Seminar (topic discussion) methods to explain the existence of thinking design from a broader level (social, psychological, philosophical). 2. Stimulate ideas from whole-class topic discussions, study domestic and foreign books and papers, collect information, and discuss literature. 3. Ability to analyze, understand, and comprehensively discuss, and practice drawing conclusions.

課程概述 Course Description

進入21世紀的現代社會,設計的思維架構由工業社會功能性認知,轉向為軟性經濟象徵價值、符號的編碼與解碼,並與深層文化產生文化脈落的聯結,尤其在文化創意產業在全球產業轉型中日益扮演著重要角色的時機。同時,全球氣候變遷迫使人們面對人與自然共生共榮的關係,於是綠色科技與設計成為目前設計與研發的趨勢。面對議題的轉變引發設計軸向的不同,設計思維如何因應?或進而轉變為掌握趨勢而應用於設計? 因此本課程在系所的定位為整合前三年的設計所學,藉由社會學與哲學的角度重新理解設計思維的架構是有理可循的,以此作為研究所理論研究的準備課程。 本課程藉由設計案例的比較與解析,試圖呈現設計後潛藏的思維架構。透過理解社會、文化的演變過程及設計思考、創意發展之間的交互作用,藉此使學生學習掌握設計思維架構與趨勢。 1.思維建立的過程與經驗意義、集體意識、社會意義之間的互動模式 2.符號學之架構與應用 3.現代主義的社會背景與思維架構所形成的設計。 4.後現代主義的社會背景與思維架構所形成的設計。 5.設計的轉向與文化研究的興起。 6.文化創意產業的社會背景與思維架構所形成的設計。 7.設計趨勢的掌握。 透過課程講授二十世紀到二十一世紀的案例解析,使學生理解設計思維與社會變遷的關係,從而理解趨勢的產生與社會文化的關係,進而掌握設計思維。 從議題的理解到設計的產生。
Entering the modern society of the 21st century, the thinking structure of design has shifted from the functional cognition of industrial society to the encoding and decoding of soft economic symbolic values ​​and symbols, and has a cultural connection with the deep culture, especially in the cultural and creative industries in the global industry. Timing increasingly plays an important role in transformation. At the same time, global climate change forces people to face the symbiotic and co-prosperous relationship between man and nature, so green technology and design have become the current trend in design and research and development. Faced with changes in topics that lead to different design axes, how does design thinking respond? Or then turn to grasp the trend and apply it to design? Therefore, this course is positioned in the department to integrate the design knowledge learned in the previous three years. It is reasonable to re-understand the structure of design thinking from the perspective of sociology and philosophy, and to use this as a preparatory course for the theoretical research of the institute. This course attempts to present the underlying thinking structure after design through the comparison and analysis of design cases. By understanding the evolution of society and culture and the interaction between design thinking and creative development, students can learn to master the structure and trends of design thinking. 1. The interaction model between the process of thinking establishment and experiential meaning, collective consciousness, and social meaning 2. Structure and application of semiotics 3. Design formed by the social background and thinking structure of modernism. 4. Design formed by the social background and thinking structure of postmodernism. 5. The turn of design and the rise of cultural studies. 6. Design formed by the social background and thinking structure of the cultural and creative industries. 7. Master the design trends. Through the course teaching case analysis from the 20th to the 21st century, students can understand the relationship between design thinking and social changes, thereby understanding the relationship between the generation of trends and social culture, and then master design thinking. From the understanding of the issue to the creation of the design.

參考書目 Reference Books

1. 世界是設計。
2. 觀看的方式。
3. 看懂設計,你要懂的現代藝術。

1. The world is designed.
2. Ways of seeing.
3. To understand design, you need to understand modern art.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
midterm score
50 期中報告(選讀指定閱讀書本)
Final score
50 期末考

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Course Information


學分 Credit:4-4
上課時間 Course Time:
授課教師 Teacher:陳明石/李皆欣/李裕全/柯耀宗/葉文凱/呂佳珍/羅際鋐/Wiyono Sutjipto/陳勇廷
修課班級 Class:工設系4
選課備註 Memo:上學期不及格不得續修下學期;上課時間另定
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 28 人。

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