course information of 109 - 1 | 2586 Development and Practice of Design(設計發想與習作)

2586 - 設計發想與習作 Development and Practice of Design

教育目標 Course Target

希望由不同的設計方法切入,讓學生瞭解到除了平常使用的設計方法使用者、問題發現、解決問題與需求、製造生產之外還有不一樣的設計多元面向,藉由觀察生活中的平凡事物、不斷的實驗、分解再構、重組、拼湊等等方式而變成美麗的事物,再將實驗結果產品化、系統化、系列化、精緻化。最後藉由迷你展重新審視並將自己的過程、邏輯線,展現出來。並透過中間每週的進度更新與討論,引導學生如何訂定目標,以及選定目標後有哪些方法可以朝著願景走過去。最終藉由完整30~50頁的圖文報告,將過程完整記錄並分析一路以來的轉變,並可成為未來作品集中很有力的部份內容。 1.小組討論 2.期末報告/策展/發表We hope to start from different design methods, so that students can understand that in addition to the commonly used design methods users, problem discovery, solving problems and needs, manufacturing and production, there are also different design diversity aspects. By observing ordinary things in life, continuous experiments, decomposition and restructuring, reorganization, and scheduling, and then productizing, systematically, serializing, and refined experiment results. Finally, we re-examined and displayed our own process and logic lines through the mini exhibition. And through the progress updates and discussions every week in the middle, we will guide students how to set goals and what methods can we walk towards the will of hope after choosing goals. Finally, through a complete 30-50-page picture report, the process is recorded and analyzed throughout the journey, and can become a strong part of the future collection. 1. Group discussion 2. Final report/curation/posting

課程概述 Course Description

針對大二升大三的學生所設計的課程,修完大二課程之學生具有一定的表現技法水準與設計思考觀念,本課程主要幫助學生拓展設計視野與活化設計之思考邏輯,藉由思考設計比賽題目的手段,活絡學生的設計思維與表現手法,並藉由比較比賽中他校或外國學生的成果,讓本系學生了解改進與需補足的方向,並著重在團體合作與討論,讓學員提早適應業界的團隊合作方式。 藉由設計題目的深度討論與大量的實際研究創作作業,增進學生的思考邏輯並發掘學生思考時的盲點,幫助學員在設計思考深度上的挖掘與廣度上的擴張。並依不同概念教導學生適合的設計表現方式。
The course designed for sophomore to junior students, students who have completed the sophomore year course have certain performance techniques and design thinking concepts. This course mainly helps students expand their design vision and revitalize their thinking logic, and use the purpose of thinking design competition topics. The method of designing and thinking and expression of students, and by comparing the results of students from other schools or foreign countries in the competition, students in this department understand the direction of improvement and needing improvement, and focus on group cooperation and discussion, so that students can adapt to the team cooperation methods in the industry in advance. Through in-depth discussion of design topics and a large number of practical research and creative works, students' thinking logic is enhanced and students' blind spots when thinking, helping students dig in depth and expand their design thinking. And teach students appropriate design expression methods based on different concepts.

參考書目 Reference Books

Hella Jongerius Misfit 、網路影片
Hella Jongerius Misfit, Internet videos
Designer’s materials learning: creativity × experiment × future, 112 design revolutions from original materials to innovative materials
The knowledge of materials and usage that designers must understand
Product manufacturing method: Product + Furniture Design

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
10 每堂都會點名
Weekday work
40 平日實驗成果與討論
20 最終展覽呈現方式
Final report
30 佈展與發展過程資料整理成最終報告並上線公告

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/3,4[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:葉文凱
修課班級 Class:工設系3
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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目前選課人數為 20 人。

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