course information of 109 - 1 | 2571 Green Design Theory(綠色設計概論)

2571 - 綠色設計概論 Green Design Theory

教育目標 Course Target

以講授綠色產品設計概念及原則為主並選讀綠色設計相關書籍、雜誌,讓學生充分瞭解綠色產品開發與綠色產品設計之意涵。同時以國內、外現有之優良綠色產品為師法對象,進而提升自我的綠色創新設計能力。透過各種教材、案例研究以及實際綠色產品設計演練,以培養學生綠色產品開發的設計能力和經驗。此綠色設計概論課程主要是以介紹綠色趨勢及科技為主,創意設計為輔,希望引導學生對於綠色設計有一定程度的了解,並進而對未來生態環境有所貢獻,此為本課程最主要的目的及內涵。We mainly teach green product design concepts and principles, and choose to read green design-related books and magazines, so that students can fully understand the meaning of green product development and green product design. At the same time, we use excellent green products available at home and abroad as the target of teaching methods to improve our own green innovative design capabilities. Through various textbooks, case studies and practical green product design practice, we will cultivate students' design ability and experience in green product development. This green design overview course mainly focuses on introducing green trends and technology, and is creative design. It hopes to guide students to have a certain degree of understanding of green design and to make contributions to the future ecological environment. This is the main purpose and connotation of this course.

課程概述 Course Description

本課程係針對產品設計者,學習進階設計表現技法,有別於傳統手繪之修改困難,準備工具之過於繁雜,透過數位繪圖軟體與硬體的巧妙搭配應用,強化產品設計的專業表現手法,輔助設計師透過圖面清楚傳達其設計創意,進而更有效率的快速提案、修正、溝通、表現,於產品開發階段能有效節省以往繁複的製圖時間,轉而讓設計師回歸到設計本質,並著重於創新設計概念的發展。產品設計流程中,設計提案富美感且概念說明清晰的圖面呈現,有助於設計師與業主的良性溝通互動,且具有左右提案是否被採納的關鍵性。應用高效率與高品質的數位表現技法將提供設計系學生,擁有完整提案的專業設計競爭力。 本課程旨在要求學生透過數位繪圖練習、創意發想、修正與傳達設計概念,以遂行數位概念圖繪製發展、表達技巧、展示效果之訓練。
This course will learn advanced design performance techniques for product designers, which are difficult to modify from traditional hand-drawns. The preparation of tools is more complicated. Through the clever combination of digital drawing software and hardware, it will strengthen the professional performance techniques of product design and help designers Clearly conveying its design creativity through the picture, and more efficiently rapid proposals, corrections, communications and expressions can effectively save the past complicated drawing time in the product development stage, allowing designers to return to the design essence and focus on the development of innovative design concepts. In the product design process, the appearance of the design proposal with a beautiful and clear conceptual concept is helpful to the benign communication and interaction between the designer and the owner, and is of the key to whether the proposal is taken or not. Applications of high efficiency and high-quality digital representation techniques will provide design students with professional design competition with complete proposals. This course is intended to require students to practice digital drawing, creative ideas, corrections and communication design concepts to carry out training in digital concept drawing development, expression skills, and display effects.

參考書目 Reference Books

(1) 主要讀本: 永續產品設計——綠色設計理論與實務,杜瑞澤著,民91,台北亞太圖書
(2) 參考書目: 1. Green design — design for the environment,Dr. Mac Kenzie, 1991,Laurence King Ltd. 2. The Eco-Design Handbook, 2 Rev. Ed. (2005 / 03),Thames & Hudson Ltd.
(1) Main reading book: Continuous product design—green design theory and practice, written by Du Ruizhe, 91, Taipei Asia Pacific Book
(2) Reference books: 1. Green design — design for the environment, Dr. Mac Kenzie, 1991, Laurence King Ltd. 2. The Eco-Design Handbook, 2 Rev. Ed. (2005 / 03), Thames & Hudson Ltd.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Attendance rate
Midterm exam
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Thursday/6,7[工設館]
授課教師 Teacher:柯耀宗
修課班級 Class:工設系2
選課備註 Memo:外系欲選修者 (限5名),請至工設系登記。
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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