設計基礎是大一學生非常重要的入門課程。本課將強調三個面向的學習重點:包含設計禮儀素養、形的發展構成以及材料認識與應用。在設計禮儀素養方面,培養學生具備良好的學習態度與設計素養,提升個人之設計素質,此外,著重學生對於自我喜好與品味之認識,從傾聽自我之聲音到與他人產生共鳴。在形的發展構成方面,將針對形態從平面到立體的轉換,設計作品從抽象到具象的詮釋。最後,材料認識與應用方面,讓學生學習運用不同材質展現在設計作品之中。本課內涵課程中將會採用不同單元之實作練習,訓練學生之造形構成、材質運用、色彩規劃、審美能力、設計禮儀、空間建構、構想表達技巧、獨立思考、組織能力與小組的團隊合作之精神。課程將由三位老師共同擔綱授課,採小組教學方式,每位老師指導15-20位學生。Fundamentals of Design is a very important introductory course for freshman students. This course will emphasize three aspects of learning: including design etiquette literacy, the development and composition of form, and material understanding and application. In terms of design etiquette literacy, students are cultivated to have a good learning attitude and design literacy, and improve their personal design qualities. In addition, it focuses on students' understanding of their own preferences and tastes, from listening to their own voices to resonating with others. In terms of the development and composition of form, we will focus on the transformation of form from plane to three-dimensional, and the interpretation of design works from abstract to concrete. Finally, in terms of material understanding and application, students learn to use different materials to display in design works. The connotation of this course will use practical exercises in different units to train students in shape composition, material use, color planning, aesthetic ability, design etiquette, space construction, idea expression skills, independent thinking, organizational skills and teamwork in groups spirit. The course will be taught by three teachers, using a group teaching method, with each teacher instructing 15-20 students.
This course is an introductory course in the core design courses of the Department of Industrial Design. It is taught to first-year students. It aims to guide students who have just started to contact the design field through various aspects such as shape evolution, material use, color planning, spatial construction and design situations. Design practical exercises will equip students with basic abilities for future product design. This course focuses on students' independent thinking and organizational creation abilities. Therefore, it is taught by three teachers and is conducted in a group teaching manner. Each teacher is responsible for guiding 12 to 15 students. In the classroom, the teacher can fully understand each student. Learning performance in each design stage and good interaction with students. In order to stimulate creative potential and cultivate team spirit, this course is also equipped with a project design, and a team exercise project is arranged every semester so that students can learn how to
1.張建成編譯,「基本設計概論」(Focus on designing),六合出版社,1993
2.張建成編譯,「基礎設計」上冊 (The Basic Principles of Visual Communication for Artists, Architects, and Designers),六合出版社,1996
1. Compiled by Zhang Jiancheng, "Focus on designing", Liuhe Publishing House, 1993
2. Compiled by Zhang Jiancheng, "Basic Design" Volume 1 (The Basic Principles of Visual Communication for Artists, Architects, and Designers), Liuhe Publishing House, 1996
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
單元課題發表單元課題發表 Unit topic presentation |
80 | 包含每一單元課題發展過程及出席率,由指導老師所要求之圖面溝通狀況、草圖品質、草模品質、作業內容完整性、討論出席率及學習態度、最終發表的模型成果及構想表逹技巧之成績平均數。 |
單元課題成果資料檔案單元課題成果資料檔案 Unit project achievement information file |
20 | 包含每一單元課題書面、成果報告書或相關電子檔案成果之成績平均數。 |