course information of 109 - 1 | 2526 Architecture and City in 20th(20世紀的日本建築與城市)

2526 - 20世紀的日本建築與城市 Architecture and City in 20th

教育目標 Course Target

日本文化成為21世紀最強勢的文化之一,以建築領域來說,日本獨特的空間美感、細部設計,甚或是建築於永續性、環境關懷上皆對世界帶來深刻的影響; 而獲頒普立茲克獎的日本建築師的人數,也在磯崎新於2020年取得獎項後,與美國建築師獲獎人數並列世界之冠。日本建築如何在以西方價值為核心的現代世界獲得認同甚至超越,是相當值得深入研究與思考的一個課題。有鑑於此,本課程聚焦20世紀日本建築與都市,以倒敘法的方式透過關鍵的建築事件,組織日本過去120年建築發展的認識。本課程將從建築與都市生成、建築文化的建構與建築師思想等多元角度,帶領同學理解20世紀日本建築的生成脈絡及特徵,並進一步探討其背後所支撐的文化意涵。Japanese culture has become one of the most powerful cultures in the 21st century. In the field of architecture, Japan's unique spatial beauty, detailed design, and even the sustainability and environmental care of architecture have had a profound impact on the world; and was awarded The number of Japanese architects who have won the Pritzker Prize, after Arata Isozaki won the award in 2020, is tied with the number of American architects for the highest number in the world. How Japanese architecture can gain recognition or even transcend in the modern world with Western values ​​as its core is a topic worthy of in-depth study and thinking. In view of this, this course focuses on Japanese architecture and urbanism in the 20th century, using a flashback method to organize the understanding of Japan's architectural development in the past 120 years through key architectural events. This course will lead students to understand the generation context and characteristics of Japanese architecture in the 20th century from multiple perspectives such as architecture and urban generation, the construction of architectural culture, and architects' ideas, and further explore the cultural implications behind it.

參考書目 Reference Books

- 日本後現代建築巡禮:1975-1995昭和、平成名建築50選,磯達雄,遠流,2019。
- 日本前現代建築巡禮:1868-1942明治‧大正‧昭和名建築50選,磯達雄,遠流,2019。
- 日本建築的覺醒:尋找文化識別的摸索與奮起之路,五十嵐太郎,原點,2019。
- 日本建築思想史,磯崎新,五南,2019。
- 陰翳禮讚,谷崎潤一郎,大牌出版,2018。
- 茶道:茶碗中的人心、哲思、日本美學,岡倉天心,不二家,2017。
- 日本經典建築演進史:建築史學家導覽49位大師奇蹟名作,株式会社エクスナレッジ,瑞昇,2015。
- 日本近代建築,藤森照信,五南,2014。

- A tour of postmodern architecture in Japan: 50 selected famous buildings from the Showa and Heisei eras from 1975 to 1995, Tatsuo Iso, Enryu, 2019.
- A tour of Japan's pre-modern architecture: 50 selected famous buildings from Meiji, Taisho and Showa 1868-1942, Tatsuo Iso, Enryu, 2019.
- The Awakening of Japanese Architecture: The Path of Exploration and Effort in Search of Cultural Identity, Taro Igarashi, Origin, 2019.
- History of Japanese Architectural Thought, Arata Isozaki, Gonan, 2019.
- In Praise of Shadows, Junichiro Tanizaki, Big Publishing, 2018.
- Tea Ceremony: The Human Heart, Philosophy, and Japanese Aesthetics in a Tea Bowl, Tenshin Okakura, Fujiya, 2017.
- The evolution history of Japanese classic architecture: Architectural historians guide the miraculous masterpieces of 49 masters, エクスナレッジ Co., Ltd., Ruisheng, 2015.
- Modern Japanese Architecture, Fujimori Terunobu, Gonan, 2014.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
interim report
Final report

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Course Information


學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Wednesday/5,6[C101]
授課教師 Teacher:郭聖傑
修課班級 Class:建築系3-5
選課備註 Memo:
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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