course information of 109 - 1 | 2524 The Macro and Micro of 15 Cities(宏觀與微距:義大利各城市構成十五講)

2524 - 宏觀與微距:義大利各城市構成十五講 The Macro and Micro of 15 Cities

教育目標 Course Target

本課程以宏觀(Macro)與微距(Micro)的兩種尺度與距離關係,從北到南一路講解義大利各城市約10-15座,其中跨越羅馬帝國時期、中世紀、文藝復興、啟蒙時代、二戰與法西斯主義一路到現代,綜合所有歷史層級並切開層層包裹的各種拼貼,都市的原貌呈現如何反思當代都市可以如何接續構成,並加入當代科技成長的討論。 - 課程架構參考自2014威尼斯建築雙年展總策展人Rem Koolhaas於軍火庫展區Corderie Arsenal所展出“Monditalia”為主架構,該展出為一張十五世紀長軸古羊皮紙地圖Tabula Peutingeriana展示『條條大路通羅馬』之羅馬古道,利用帆布輸出跨越展場約316米長廊空間,並以北到南展示該地圖緯度所標示之義大利城市及其代表裝置以及電影選材。 - 課程中將以城市地圖,搭配該城市藝術家之作品以及一部當代義大利電影,用於理解以及探討各城市之相同與相異之處。This course uses two scales and distance relationships, Macro and Micro, to explain about 10-15 cities in Italy from north to south, spanning the Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Enlightenment. The era, World War II and fascism all the way to modern times, integrating all historical layers and cutting through the various collages wrapped in layers, the original appearance of the city reflects on how contemporary cities can be continued to form, and joins the discussion of the growth of contemporary technology. - The course structure is based on the main structure of "Monditalia" exhibited by Rem Koolhaas, chief curator of the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale, in the Corderie Arsenal exhibition area. The exhibition is an ancient parchment map Tabula from the 15th century. Peutingeriana displays the ancient Roman roads of "All Roads Lead to Rome", using canvas output to span the approximately 316-meter corridor space of the exhibition venue, and displays Italian cities marked by the latitude of the map from north to south, as well as representative installations and film selections. - The course will use city maps, together with works by artists from that city and a contemporary Italian film, to understand and explore the similarities and differences between cities.

參考書目 Reference Books

Fundamentals. 14 International Architecture Exhibition. La Biennale Di Venezia
By (author) Rem Koolhaas
ISBN10:883171869X / ISBN13:9788831718691

Publication:date 19 Aug 2014
Publication City/Country:Milan, Italy
Fundamentals. 14 International Architecture Exhibition. La Biennale Di Venezia
By (author) Rem Koolhaas
ISBN10: 883171869X / ISBN13: 9788831718691

Publication: date 19 Aug 2014
Publication City/Country:Milan, Italy

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/7,8[系大評圖室]
授課教師 Teacher:謝宗諺
修課班級 Class:建築系2-4
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授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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