course information of 109 - 1 | 2515 City Planning(都市計劃學)

2515 - 都市計劃學 City Planning

教育目標 Course Target

對建築系的同學,號稱一位熟悉空間的專業者,城市既是我們視覺可及最熟悉的東西,也是我們最說不清楚、講不明白的東西。對於一般的同學,我們天天生活在城市之中,但 城市,是什麼? 什麼東西促成了城市的形成? 城市過去的歷史又是如何影響了城市自身未來的發展? 不同的城市制度(institutions)如何形塑了不同的城市形式?這一些差別又有何重要性? 城市如何演變?它的未來又將如何預測?有意識的城市形式經營如何可能? 本課程將透過課程探索前述的問題,尤其將由歐美城市的發展歷程的回顧中回看台灣的城市發展經驗,尤其聚焦於檢視城市的實質形式(physical form)—從市中心到城郊、從特定的領域到領域邊緣;本課程將帶領同學體驗到城市基礎設施(infrastructure)與制度如何在空間中左右了資源與人、貨在空間中的部署,並透過歷時性 (diachronically) 的過程形成了我們感受得到的城市空間形式。而城市作為服務性的消費集中的地方,城市集體消費(collective consumption)又是如何透過國家的中介,共時性(synchronically)地影響著各別時代土地使用的分配與地產資本的流動。 城市總是不斷地被營造(built)與再營造(re-built),沒有終極形式。從一個初始的聚落到大城市,持續的紋理與遺跡(layers)留下的總總線索,將成為課程理解城市的首要依據。城市因此有城中之「城」,城市中總不乏許多特別的領域—市中心、鄰里到郊區,每一獨特的領域都有其個別的歷史、機構與制度(institutions),持續的人口變遷,乃至於獨特的空間形式。城市過程(urban process)的結果就是極其豐富多樣的人造文本(complex text of artifacts):由住宅到街區、由遊戲場到公園與廣場、由街巷里弄到林蔭大道、由高速公路到看不到的下水道,城市既是環境、社會、政治、經濟的實質表現,也影響著後續環境、社經的發展與變遷。透過對城市基礎設施的投放、管制措施的設立、典章制度建立等,城市如何被營造的過程,也同時是城市中的個人與團體透過貼附或移除城市意義的過程。但也正因為如此,移植的城市規劃,無論是形式或制度,總不免遇到「橘越淮而為枳」的窘境。 本課程將透過歷史的文本、專題討論、以及對特定城市空間的時地踏勘解讀,探索前述的問題。課程將分成兩大主軸同步進行:首先,我們將透過規劃史的歷史文本,重新檢視「規劃」專業的緣起,以及其在不同的歷史時空中的空間實踐(practice);源於西歐、北美乃至於日本等中心國家的空間實踐經驗一度透過殖民的過程反覆書寫了第三世界與後進資本主義國家的城市地景,其後又透過跨國的合作計畫培訓技術官僚,鞏固了一套既定的價值體系。透過對歷史文本的耙梳,將有助於同學理解當下台灣城市空間形式形成之過程及其背後的潛藏的意識型態。另一主軸,則循慣常出現在都市計畫領域中的用詞(terminology)照表操課巡視一次,並同時不斷對照前一主軸課程所提及的城市歷史文本,以台灣的經驗與實質空間形式相互對話。本課程期望跳脫過去都市計畫課程系列專有名詞解析的單調與僵硬,提供給建築系的同學更多的機會去使用、發展與優化新的閱讀城市技巧。 For students from the Department of Architecture, who are known as professionals who are familiar with space, the city is not only the most familiar thing that we can see visually, but also the thing that we are least able to describe clearly. For ordinary students, we live in the city every day, but City, what is it? What contributed to the formation of cities? How does the city's past history affect its future development? How do different urban institutions shape different urban forms? What is the importance of these differences? How do cities evolve? How to predict its future? How is conscious urban management possible? This course will explore the aforementioned issues through the course. In particular, it will look back at Taiwan's urban development experience through a review of the development process of European and American cities, with a special focus on examining the physical form of the city—from the city center to the suburbs, from specific From the field to the edge of the field; this course will lead students to experience how urban infrastructure and systems control the deployment of resources, people, and goods in space, and form our feelings through a diachronic process. The resulting urban spatial form. As a place where service consumption is concentrated, cities, through the intermediary of the state, synchronically affect the distribution of land use and the flow of real estate capital in different eras. Cities are constantly being built and re-built, with no final form. From an initial settlement to a large city, the total clues left by the continuous textures and ruins (layers) will become the primary basis for the course to understand the city. A city is therefore a "city" within a city. There are always many special areas in a city - from city centers to neighborhoods to suburbs. Each unique area has its own history, institutions and institutions, ongoing demographic changes, and even Due to the unique spatial form. The result of the urban process is an extremely rich and diverse complex text of artifacts: from houses to neighborhoods, from playgrounds to parks and squares, from streets to boulevards, from highways to sightseeing. The sewers in cities are not only the substantive manifestation of the environment, society, politics, and economy, but also affect the subsequent development and changes of the environment, society, and economy. Through the investment in urban infrastructure, the establishment of control measures, the establishment of regulations and systems, etc., the process of how a city is created is also a process in which individuals and groups in the city attach or remove the meaning of the city. But precisely because of this, transplanted urban planning, no matter in form or system, will inevitably encounter the dilemma of "the oranges crossing the Huai River become tangerines". This course will explore the aforementioned issues through historical texts, topical discussions, and time- and place-based interpretations of specific urban spaces. The course will be divided into two main axes to be carried out simultaneously: First, we will re-examine the origin of the "planning" profession through historical texts on the history of planning, as well as its spatial practice in different historical time and space; it originated from Western Europe, North America and even The spatial practice experience in central countries such as Japan once repeatedly wrote the urban landscape of the third world and backward capitalist countries through the process of colonization. Later, it trained technocrats through transnational cooperation projects and consolidated a set of established values. system. Through combing through historical texts, it will help students understand the process of forming urban spatial forms in Taiwan and the underlying ideologies behind them. The other main axis is to follow the terminology that commonly appears in the field of urban planning. At the same time, it is constantly compared with the urban history texts mentioned in the previous main axis course to use Taiwan’s experience and physical space. Forms talk to each other. This course hopes to break away from the monotony and rigidity of proper noun analysis in the urban planning course series in the past, and provide students from the Department of Architecture with more opportunities to use, develop and optimize new reading skills for the city.

課程概述 Course Description

Is "city" a state, a representation of society/industry/humanities? So, what is "urban planning"? Why do cities need planning? What is urban planning doing? What does it have to do with architectural design? …

參考書目 Reference Books

. 張景森,臺灣的都市計畫(1895-1988)。臺北市:業強,民國82年。
. 王鴻楷、林子瑜、張景森(1994)《都市計畫法全面修法重點之研究(附錄篇)》,台北:中華民國都市計劃學會‧
. 周志龍,〈台灣新都市主義與都市規劃的挑戰〉,《都市與計畫》,31(3):195-213, 2004
‧ Levy, John M., Contemporary Urban Planning, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice . Hall, 2000. (Chs. 1, 5 to 8)‧ Hall, P., Urban and Regional Planning, 3rd ed. London: Routledge, 1992.或張麗堂譯,都市與區域規劃。臺北市: 巨流,民國84年。
‧ 黃書禮,生態土地使用規劃。台北:詹氏書局,2000。(第三、四、五、六、七、十、十一章)
‧ 宜蘭縣政府(2002)《宜蘭縣綜合發展計畫(第一次修訂)》,台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所研究規劃
‧ Rainer, G. (ed.), Understanding Infrastructure : A Guide for Architects and Planners. N.Y.C.: John Wiley, 1990. ‧ Richard, B., Transport in Cities. London: Architecture Design and Technology Press, 1990.
‧ Levy, John M., Contemporary Urban Planning, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice . Barthel, Diane, Historic Preservation: Collective Memory And Historical Identity, New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1996. ‧
. 台北市政府都市法展局(2001)《台北市容積發展策略之檢討》,台灣大學建築與城鄉研究所研究規劃
‧ Chin, Pei-hsiung, “Housing and economic development in Taiwan”, working paper, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley; no. 483 (June 1988)
‧ Kemeny, Jim, Housing And Social Theory. London; New York: Routledge, 1992.
‧ 陳東升(1995 )《金權城市》,台北市:巨流
‧ 曾旭正(1993)《戰後臺北的都市過程與都市意識形構之研究》,台灣大學土木研究所博士論文
‧ 畢恆達,空間就是權力。台北:心靈工坊,民國90年。
‧ 畢恆達,空間就是性別。台北:心靈工坊,民國93年。
‧ 周志龍,〈全球化、國土策略與台灣都市系統變遷〉,《都市與計畫》,29(4):491-512, 2002
‧ 周志龍,〈跨界經濟、時空的接合與國土再結構策略-亞洲四條龍的再結構比較〉,《都市與計畫》,28(4):461-494, 2001
‧ 曼威.柯司特著,劉益誠譯,夏鑄九校訂,“廿一世紀的都市社會學”,城市與設計,第十三、十四期(2003年3月),1-20頁。
‧ 王鴻楷、林子瑜、張景森,都市計畫法全面修法重點之研究(附錄篇)。台北:中華民國都市計劃學會,民國83年6月。
‧ 于宗先、 王金利,台灣土地問題:社會問題的根源。臺北市:聯經,民國90年。

. Zhang Jingsen, Urban Planning in Taiwan (1895-1988). Taipei City: Ye Qiang, 1982.
. Wang Hongkai, Lin Ziyu, and Zhang Jingsen (1994) "Research on the Key Points of Comprehensive Amendment to the Urban Planning Law (Appendix)", Taipei: Urban Planning Society of the Republic of China‧
. Zhou Zhilong, "Taiwan's New Urbanism and the Challenges of Urban Planning", "Urban and Planning", 31(3):195-213, 2004
‧ Levy, John M., Contemporary Urban Planning, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice . Hall, 2000. (Chs. 1, 5 to 8) ‧ Hall, P., Urban and Regional Planning, 3rd ed. London : Routledge, 1992. Or translated by Zhang Litang, Urban and Regional Planning. Taipei City: Juliu, 1984.
‧ Huang Shuli, Ecological Land Use Planning. Taipei: James Book Company, 2000. (Chapter 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11)
‧ Yilan County Government (2002) "Yilan County Comprehensive Development Plan (First Revision)", Research Plan of the Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Affairs, National Taiwan University
‧ Rainer, G. (ed.), Understanding Infrastructure : A Guide for Architects and Planners. N.Y.C.: John Wiley, 1990. ‧ Richard, B., Transport in Cities. London: Architecture Design and Technology Press, 1990.
‧ Levy, John M., Contemporary Urban Planning, 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice. Barthel, Diane, Historic Preservation: Collective Memory And Historical Identity, New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press, 1996. ‧
. Taipei City Government Urban Law and Exhibition Bureau (2001) "Review of Taipei City's Volumetric Development Strategy", Research Plan of the Institute of Architecture and Urban-Rural Affairs, National Taiwan University
‧ Chin, Pei-hsiung, "Housing and economic development in Taiwan", working paper, Institute of Urban and Regional Development, University of California at Berkeley; no. 483 (June 1988)
‧ Kemeny, Jim, Housing And Social Theory. London; New York: Routledge, 1992.
‧ Chen Dongsheng (1995) "Golden Power City", Taipei City: Juliu
‧ Zeng Xuzheng (1993) "Research on the Urban Process and Urban Ideology in Post-war Beijing", PhD thesis, Institute of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University
‧ Bi Hengda, space is power. Taipei: Soul Workshop, 1990.
‧ Bi Hengda, space is gender. Taipei: Soul Workshop, 1993.
‧ Zhou Zhilong, "Globalization, territorial strategy and the transformation of Taiwan's urban system", "Urban and Planning", 29(4):491-512, 2002
‧ Zhou Zhilong, "Cross-border economy, time-space connection and territorial restructuring strategies - a comparison of the four Asian dragons", "Urban and Planning", 28(4):461-494, 2001
‧ Written by Manwei Coster, translated by Liu Yicheng, edited by Xia Zhujiu, "Urban Sociology in the Twenty-first Century", City and Design, Issues 13 and 14 (March 2003), pp. 1-20.
‧ Wang Hongkai, Lin Ziyu, and Zhang Jingsen, research on the key points of comprehensive revision of the Urban Planning Law (Appendix). Taipei: Urban Planning Society of the Republic of China, June 1983.
‧ Yu Zongxian and Wang Jinli, Taiwan’s Land Issue: The Root of Social Problems. Taipei City: Lianjing, 1990.

評分方式 Grading

評分項目 Grading Method 配分比例 Grading percentage 說明 Description
Class attendance rate (including pre-class preview)
40 上課出席狀況/〈綱要與提問〉領取狀況 (總分40分,上課缺席一次扣學期總分4分,遲到每滿半小時扣1分;〈綱要與提問〉領取後主動在課前繳交”回應資料”或”對課前提問之看法”者每項加一分;40分扣完不再續扣)
Final report
50 包含同組同學成績與個別答題成績
Participate enthusiastically in regular appointments

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學分 Credit:2-0
上課時間 Course Time:Tuesday/2,3[AG102]
授課教師 Teacher:郭奇正
修課班級 Class:建築系4,碩1
選課備註 Memo:碩B組補修
授課大綱 Course Plan: Open

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