人類從西元前3000年起展開建造行為,埃及巨大的金字塔群、希臘雅典衛城的帕德嫩神廟、羅馬帝國的萬神殿、中國的長安城等,建築的歷史幾乎與人類文明發展的歷史劃上等號。世界建築史,是世界的「建築史」、同時也是建築的「世界史」。此兩種字面上的解釋提示著「歷史」本身是「歷時的(diachronic)」,也是「共時的(synchronic)」。換言之,世界建築史的目的除了以歷時的角度敘述建構起世界的數個文明地域所形成的建築文化,與此同時更為重要的是以共時的角度,在同一時間切片中建築透過超越空間的聯繫,形成怎樣的世界。因此,本課程將以西洋建築發展為敘述主軸,透過同時觀照非西洋世界的建築、特別是東亞建築發展的方式,從歷時與共時的雙重視點來理解世界的建築; 也期待藉由對於世界建築發展的掌握,思索「建築」的本質。Humans have been building since 3000 BC. The history of architecture is almost the same as the history of the development of human civilization, such as the huge pyramids in Egypt, the Parthenon on the Acropolis in Athens, the Pantheon in the Roman Empire, and Chang'an City in China. Put an equal sign. The history of world architecture is the "architectural history" of the world, and it is also the "world history" of architecture. These two literal interpretations suggest that "history" itself is both "diachronic" and "synchronic." In other words, the purpose of world architectural history is not only to describe the architectural culture formed by several civilized regions that constructed the world from a diachronic perspective, but more importantly, from a synchronic perspective, in the same time slice, architecture transcends space. What kind of world will be formed by the connections. Therefore, this course will take the development of Western architecture as the main narrative axis. By simultaneously observing the architecture of the non-Western world, especially the development of East Asian architecture, we will understand the architecture of the world from the dual perspectives of diachrony and synchrony; we also hope to understand the world's architecture through Master the development of architecture and think about the essence of "architecture".
This course provides an overview of the development of Western architecture from the 20th century BC to the 10th century AD (mainly from ancient Egypt to the Middle Ages).
寫給年輕人的簡明世界史,Ernst H. Gombrich,商周出版,2020。
圖說西洋建築史,陣內秀信,臉譜 ,2009。
A concise world history for young people, Ernst H. Gombrich, Shangzhou Publishing House, 2020.
Ten Lectures on Eastern and Western Architecture, Han Baode, Tianxia Culture, 2013.
Illustrated History of Western Architecture, Jinnai Hidenobu, Facebook, 2009.
評分項目 Grading Method | 配分比例 Grading percentage | 說明 Description |
期中報告期中報告 interim report |
30 | |
期末報告期末報告 Final report |
30 | |
出席出席 Attend |
40 |